Two first Places

Cuban Trogon by Lynda Rodig

Lynda writes about her image:

Taken in Cuba at Dos Hermanas Campground (named for the mountains), the trogon was very obliging in the rain, not moving around much at all.  Taken with my 150mm-400mm lens w/1.25 extension at 445mm, 1/160 sec., f/5.6, ISO 1600

Flap It Off By Larry Pollock

Larry writes about his image:

The birds of Reinhart Park in Grants Pass are always fun to try and capture. The water is always an interesting part of the captures. This female Hooded Merganser seems to have no mate. Maybe she is a very young one. Watching one bird waiting for the right moment and behavior takes time and focus. 

Settings: ISO 800 – 1/1250 sec – f/7.1 – 450mm

Two Second Places

Lighting Up A Hand Rolled Cigar By Lynda Rodig

Windy Perch By Greg Smith

Three third Places

Cuban Toady by Lynda Rodig

Flowering Barage By Jim Ingraham

Look What I Can Do By Greg Smith