It’s time to start thinking about locating your eligible prints for the year end judging. We expect to collect most of them at the May competition meeting  ( 15th of May)  but if you will not be there, be sure to hand in ahead of time or arrange for someone to bring them for you.

Here are the terms and conditions

Year End Prints

Bring this year’s print winners ( Honorable Mentions and all 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Winners) to the  May 15th  Weds. competition meeting. If you cannot make that meeting, you can bring them to the May 1st Educational meeting.

Be certain your prints and print protectors are fully labeled and  have the same title that it won with (“untitled” causes too much confusion.. at least add something unique to the ‘untitled’ so that we can pin it down) .

Please remove any metal hangers on print backs since these will ruin some else’s print.

Use the emailed list as a reminder of which prints are eligible or see PDF below. Deliver to VP Susan Sheets  or  Judging Secs. Nomeca and Debbie by the May 15th meeting at the latest.  Also don’t forget  to include any May competition winning prints for the Year End Judging.

Prints should be picked up at the Year End banquet June 5th at the Hivve  or make special arrangements.

Nomeca, Judging Sec.

Eligible Year End Prints 2019