Events and photography opportunities in Southern Oregon
Field Trip Thursday May 6th – Illinois River
Hi Everyone, Ozzie has planned a field trip to shoot Little Falls, Darlingtonia flowers and wildflowers on the beautiful Illinois river. Please find the details on FaceBook or our club email and hope to see you there! Photo by Russ Williamson
May 5th, 7pm on Zoom is our last Competition of the Year
It's hard to believe it but the last yearly competition is coming soon. This doesn't mean our activities will be over for the year as we have our Year End Picnic and Year End Winners to announce in June. The picnic is scheduled for June 9th at Tom Pearce Park - time...
Education Meeting is Wed. April 21 – 7pm on Zoom
We are having a virtual scavenger hunt and it starts now! (by virtual I just mean we aren't getting together for the actual scavenger hunt) Please submit four photographs from the following categories to Dave Church by midnight on Tuesday, April 20th. Title them...
April 2021 Digital Winners – Assigned Category – Light and Shadow
First Place Lady In Red Julie Padgett Second Place Morning Light Bridget Cline Third Place Lake Boardwalk Suzi Pratt Five Honorable Mentions All That Remains Larry Pollock The Hummers Mask Rose Christner Night...
April 2021 Digital Winners – Traditional
First Place Rose's comments on her image ; My model and I were actually setting up for a night shoot, but the sun was setting and coming in just right on her face and I snapped this quickly. This is one of those 'being in the moment' shots! 🙂 F5.6, 1/30, ISO 1600 ...
April 2021 Digital Winners – Altered Reality Category
Two First Places Night Owls Rudy Dierks I'm Over Here My Love Rose Christner Rose's comments on her image; This was a planned shot, just about didn't get there fast enough for the blue hour. We had lighting issues that my team and I worked out. Keeping a...
April 2021 Photo Of The Month
Night Owls Photograph By Rudy Dierks Congratulations! Rudy on your beautiful image. Look for Rudy's image soon in the Daily Courier.
4C’s EID results for March
Hi Club members, The results are back from March for the 4-C's monthly competition. We had only one winner in traditional but what a winner. Larry Pollock scored a perfect 27 in the traditional category with 'Splash'. Congratulations on your beautiful image...
Education Meeting is Wed. March 17th – OUTSIDE
Wednesday, March 17th will be our next education meeting. It will be a light painting field trip with Dale George as the teacher/instructor. We will meet at Reinhart Volunteer Park (also known as All Sports Park) at 7 pm. When you go into the park take your first...
March 2021 Digital Winners – Traditional Category
First Place Guarding the Stash Rose Christner This is a composite of the Northern Flicker and the tree. Normally you would see an Acorn Woodpecker on the tree as they stash the acorns in the trees. The Flicker eats acorns, but does not put them in trees. I should...