Leading Ladies by Judy Cox

Judy writes about her image:

I took this photo at Heartland Ballet’s Spring production, “The Grant Sisters and the Griffin’s Riddle”. I used a Sony a6500 camera with an 18–200mm lens. The settings were f/6.3, 1/320 second, ISO 6400. I did minimal processing in Lightroom. Ballet is one of my favorite subjects to photograph, even though the lighting can be very tricky. I look for strong compositions in the dancers’ poses. Our assigned subject this month was “leading lines”, so I titled my photograph “Leading Ladies”. 

 I’ve been a member of the Wild Rivers Photography Club for about nine years, and really appreciate the support, camaraderie, and opportunities the club provides. 

Congratulations, Judy, on such a beautiful image! Judy’s winning image will soon be in the Daily Courier.