Judges: Ozzie Cummins, Dave Bell and Julie Chase(Guest Judge)

Electronic Image Competition – Assigned category

‘The Beauty of Simplicity’

1st Place – Image of the Month


 “Grass”  Judy Cox

I took this photo of grass at Tom Pearce Park last May. I shot it with a Panasonic Lumix ZS50,  a compact travel camera that I have set up with custom settings. It was taken at f/6.4; 1/80; ISO 400. I got the camera for my birthday last year and joined the Caveman Camera Club to learn digital photography. The Camera Club is a great resource and I appreciate the knowledge and experience of the members.

2nd Place – Tie


 “Old Blue Eye”  Jim Ingraham

2nd Place – Tie


 “Dress Rehearsal”  Joel Takarsh

2nd Place – Tie


“White Rose” Lynda Noles

2nd Place – Tie


“White Rose” Jan Kloes

3rd Place – Tie


“Dancing Flame” Debbie Jallit

3rd Place – Tie


“A little rain must fall” Ozzie Cummins

3rd Place – Tie


“Vintage Hood Ornament” Rose Christner

3rd Place – Tie


“I see you too” Suzi Pratt

3rd Place – Tie


“Bee” Vince Williams

3rd Place – Tie


“Last Blossom of Fall” Debbie Jallit

Honorable Mention – Tie


“Axe” Dave Church

Honorable Mention – Tie


“The Lost Hat” Linda Bryant

Honorable Mention – Tie


“Pier” Marcia Fasy

Honorable Mention – Tie


“Pelican” Randy Clark

Honorable Mention – Tie


“Winter Pumpkin” Russ Williamson

Honorable Mention – Tie


“Bodega Bay Hillside” Rose Christner

Honorable Mention – Tie


“Oldie but Goodie” Suzi Pratt

Electronic Image Competition – Open category

1st Place – 6 way Tie


“Lake Louise” Bobette Heern

Lake Louise, named Lake of the Little Fishes by the Stoney Nakota First Nations people, is a glacial lake within Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada. It is located 5 km west of the Hamlet of Lake Louise and the Trans-Canada Highway. This was taken mid October before significant rain/snowfall, but you can see the year round glacier. This was shot with wide angle lens on cloudy    afternoon. Nikon 610

1st Place – 6 way Tie


“Stanley Lake” Eugene Keith

Stanley Lake. I took this picture at Stanley Lake, Idaho. I used my Canon 70D with a Tokina 11-18mm at > ISO 100  11mm  f/13 at a 20 second exposure with a 10 stop ND filter

1st Place – 6 way Tie


“After the Rain” Jim Ingraham

Taken with a Nikon D810 and 24-70 lens at 70mm. ISO 400, F16 @ 1/13th second, tripod mounted. Image taken on the Damnation Creek trailhead of the Redwood National Forest on a drizzly overcast morning

1st Place – 6 way Tie


“Pretty Poppy” Marcia Fasy

Pretty Poppy Canon 6D, Lens Tokina AT-X M100 ProD 100mm F2.8 Macro, ISO 100 1.6 sec @ f22
Taken indoors on a light box.

1st Place – 6 way Tie

Leaves of Fall

“Curled Leaf” Nomeca Hartwell

I spotted these lovely  curled brown leaves on my hiking loop in the hills   and decided to try to capture a close up with my portable  Canon G1x using a +4 close up filter and a piece of black mat board, f/10  @1/1000 sec. ISO 1000.  The image needed a fair amount of clean up work and some change in emphasis  in the lighting  (accomplished in  Photoshop) before they looked really nice. Along the way I used a new tool, a Gradient Fill layer which allowed me to do something similar to the Radial Gradient tool in LR.   I liked the results just as much in B&W and submitted a monotone  version of the  same image to the 4 C’s.

1st Place – 6 way Tie


“Reaching the Clouds” Ozzie Cummins

This shot of tall white wild flowers reaching for the clouds was taken at the 6,800′ level on the Siskiyou Crest — CCC field trip no. 2 in the middle of July, 2016.  This is looking east overlooking a circ (a high elevation U-shaped valley formed by a receding glacier about 45k years ago.)  The image was shot with a Nikon d7000 and 35mm lens; f16, 1/160 sec shutter, and 100 ISO. I use Nikon’s “Capture NX2” for all my editing.

Print Image Competition – Open category 

1st Place


“On the Waterfront” Dale George

This shot was taken last fall in Victoria, British Comumbia. It was a very balmy and still late September evening and the harbor water was exceptionally flat, giving great reflections of the lights. The Empress Hotel was the landmark that had my interest so I set up the tri-pod and took a couple series of shots. I was concerned about noise, so I shot at low ISO and longer exposure times for cleaner photos. After reviewing my files, I realized that the info I gave about how I shot it was incorrect, so here is the straight poop. I used my Canon 5Dmk3, Canon 16-35 mm lens set at 31mm. I shot at ISO 400 at f7.1.  This was actually a 5 shot series HDR with an average exposure of 2 sec and all 5 exposures blended in Photomatix…then into Lightroom…and finished in Nik Color Efex 4.  I really pushed the Detail Extractor in Nik which I think really made this image pop. As a side note, on a monitor, there appears to be a face of an old man on the left of the scene, just above the buildings that was part of some fog and cloud formation. He is facing upwards and adds a layer of mystery to this scene.

2nd Place – Tie (3-way)

“Grayback Creek” Eugene Keith

2nd Place – Tie (3-way)


“Transgender” Dave Low

2nd Place – Tie (3-way)


“Fisherman Silhouette” Jim Ingraham

3rd Place Tie (4-way)


“Baby Snow Leopard” Jim Heern

3rd Place Tie (4-way)


“Where fairies Live” Debbie Jallit

3rd Place Tie (4-way)


“Corn Goggles” Dale George

3rd Place Tie (4-way)


“Puma” Bobette Heern

Print Image Competition – The Beauty of Simplicity 

1st Place 


“Walking the Dog” Marcia Fasy

Walking the Dog Canon 6D  Lens 24-105 F4L USM  1/4000th at f4.5 ISO 100 focal length 105 Taken in Wallawalla, Washington Backlit at Dusk

2nd Place

“Sunset” Ned Booth