Special Note: All image for this month are straight out of the camera.
No post processing was allowed except RAW files were converted to JPG for projection.
Images can be enlarged by clicking within the frame.
Judges: Ozzie Cummins, Jim Ingraham, Lynda Noles
Print Image Competition – “Open”
First Place (tie)
Image of the Month
“Peaceful Evening” Greg Smith
“Peaceful Evening” was the finale to a fun day exploring Newport and the surrounding area with my friend Janie, and her mother. Low light shots are always a favorite of mine, and the ocean view seating coupled with the nice ambient light was irresistible. Using the self-timer on my tripod mounted Canon 5D Mk II, we staged a series of shots. For this image I had my 24-105mm lens set at 24 mm, shooting at 4000 ISO, with an f/8 aperture, and a 10 second exposure.
Print Image Competition – “Open”
First Place (tie)
“Sun Worshiper” Jim Heern
I took the “Sun Worshippers”shot in Murray, Kentucky at the University farm near sunset while visiting my son. The lighting was near perfect but had little time. Fortunately there was no wind.
Camera: Nikon 610 Lens: Nikkor 70-200mm 1:2.8G
Print Image Competition – “Open”
Second Place
“Dahlia” Bobette Heern
Print Image Competition – “Open”
Third Place
“Ship of Faith” Nomeca Hartwell
Print Image Competition – “Open”
Honorable Mention (tie)
“Angie and Cecil” Linda Bryant
Print Image Competition – “Open”
Honorable Mention (tie)
“Heart Light” Bobette Heern
Print Image Competition – “Open”
Honorable Mention (tie)
“Steakhouse” Dave Church
Print Image Competition – “Open”
Honorable Mention (tie)
“Takilma George” Pam Arbogast
Print Image Competition – “Open”
Honorable Mention (tie)
“Fan” Lori Mitchell
Print Image Competition – “Tools”
First Place
For the club’s assigned subject of “Tools” in November, I took a photo of some of my turnings and tools. The photo was taken with my Nikon D810. The turnings were in a 40″ soft box light tent, illuminated by two flashes. The lens was a 24mm-70mm, set at 38mm, F11, for 1/60 sec., ISO 200. The 12″ X 18″ print was made at Costco.
Print Image Competition – “Tools”
Second Place
Print Image Competition – “Tools”
Third Place
Print Image Competition – “Tools”
Honorable Mention
“Nail Zipper” Ned Booth
Electronic Image Competition – “Open”
First Place (tie)
Inspiration for this shot came from sheer desperation for something that might look good without edits…so I figured something shot as a close-up with a good lens might just fit the bill. As it turns out, lighting was the real challenge as the face of the coin is highly reflective and prone to excessive highlights. I used a single studio light, no flash and used 2 matte boards to shield the light until I achieved a shot that looked natural and not overly highlighted.
Electronic Image Competition – “Open”
First Place (tie)
‘Fall comes to Lithia Park’ was shot under rainy, overcast skies late afternoon at the Upper Lithia Pond using the far end (135mm, 200 equivalent) of my 18-135 IS Canon lens on tripod, f/9, 1/25 sec (for the red delete this) . This was the 2nd in an exposure series so it was –1 2/3 underexposed which increased the saturation of the reds. My pre-shot , in-camera jpg settings for sharpness, contrast and color were also set very high. Outside of this month’s mandatory requirement for unadjusted images post-camera, I almost always discard the jpg image and keep the RAW.
Electronic Image Competition – “Open”
First Place (tie)
‘Splendiferous Orange’ was shot under rainy, threatening skies late afternoon at the Upper Lithia Pond ( 135mm, 200 equivalent) of my 18-135 mm Canon lens, f/9, 1/6 sec. This shot was achieved by pre-adjusting my T2i in-camera jpg settings as high as I could dial them up ( sharpness, contrast, saturation). The inability to finish off the image before presentation ( per this month’s rules) was frustrating. Fortunately this image , being all about color, showed well.
Electronic Image Competition – “Open”
Second Place
Electronic Image Competition – “Open”
Third Place (tie)
Electronic Image Competition – “Open”
Third Place (tie)
Electronic Image Competition – “Open”
Third Place (tie)
Electronic Image Competition – “Open”
Third Place (tie)
Electronic Image Competition – “Tools”
First Place (tie)
Electronic Image Competition – “Tools”
First Place (tie)
It had been a dark and stormy night. I decided to creep out into the dank and dreary garage in the “Stihl “of the evening to find a tool I might use for my latest assignment – “tools you are likely to find in one’s garage.” The blustery day had blown in some dead, but colorful fall leaves under the bottom space of the garage door. I lowered the door and stood shivering in the drear on the dark, cold, hard floor of my windowless garage. Suddenly, a shot rang out! Apparently, my neighbor was target practicing in his backyard shooting gallery . . . or was it something else . . .
. . . Anyway, I turned on the light and looked around. Lots of stuff filled much of the space in my garage. I finally settled on shooting my well used chain saw (a Stihl 028). Gathering up some of the scattered leaves and retrieving some of the necessary tools, fuel and oil that normally makes chainsaws work, I began to set up the scene as I have worked so many times in my past. I decided to use the “light painting” technique for this shoot. Additionally, this image had to be final – no post processing
I placed my trusty Nikon D7000 with my Nikkor 35 mm 1.8 prime lens on my tripod, set the camera to “manual”; my shutter speed to 30 seconds, my ISO to 100; and my F stop to 16. I selected a small white-light flashlight and began shooting. After 4 shots and finally reducing the F stop to 8, the shots were still a little dark. Finally, on the 5th and 6th shot I used a larger flashlight. Had that not worked I was prepared to up my ISO. I selected the 5th shot. For my final shot selection I used an in camera settings “picture control” – Landscape; a “white balance” of “Incandescent, with trim of B1;” set my F stop at 8; and a shutter speed of 30 seconds. In all cases my camera was set on a 5 second timer so I had time to get into position to paint the scene with light.
Electronic Image Competition – “Tools”
Second Place (tie)
Electronic Image Competition – “Tools”
Second Place (tie)
Electronic Image Competition – “Tools”
Third Place (tie)
Electronic Image Competition – “Tools”
Third Place (tie)
Electronic Image Competition – “Tools”
Third Place (tie)
Electronic Image Competition – “Tools”
Third Place (tie)
End of Competition Results