Judges: Ozzie Cummins & Valerie Coulman – Judy LaNier (Co-Lead Judges) 

Electronic Image Competition – Assigned (Americana) 

1st Place – Image of the Month

 “Apple Pie”  Linda Williams

The assigned category for May was Americana, so I thought what is more American than apple pie? I started out with a whole pie and took quite a few pictures but they didn’t speak to me. Then we ate a piece and decided to put one piece on a plate with a little ice cream on top.  That is the one I picked.  The pie and milk are on mirrors and I liked the reflections. The camera is a Nikon D5500 with a 18-300 mm lens. The photo was shot with ISO at 12,800 at 22mm F 3.5 at 1/4 second.

I’ve taken photographs most of my life but have really become interested in photography in the last few years. My husband and I joined the Caveman Camera Club about a year and a half ago.

1st Place – Three way tie 

“Drink Pepsi, drink Coke”  Jim Ingraham
Technical data: Tripod mounted, ISO 560, 1/30th second @ f10. Nikon D810 with Sigma 24-105 Art lens @ 32 mm. Shot on a cloudy day. Georges place is pure Americana, inside and out. If you ever want to go there, just ask me. I think the place is fascinating and George can tell you stories about every item he has procured over the years.

1st Place – Three way tie 
“Good time, Saturday night”  Debbie Jallit
I was scrambling for an idea for this month’s assigned subject when I thought about Bluegrass music.  I have an antique 4-string banjo that my uncle owned, back from the 20’s I believe, and decided that it would be a good subject.  I set this up outside on our covered porch on an old nail barrel propping it up against my saddle, added a harmonica and a bottle of Jim Beam.  (I didn’t have a fiddle to add to the mix…..)  I did some sharpening and added a vignette to the image.  I used my Nikon D750 with my 28-300 lens, 1/62, F9, ISO 100.

2nd Place – Three way tie 
“Barber Shop”  Dave Church

2nd Place – Three way tie 
“Far away, and not so long ago”  Nomeca Hartwell

2nd Place – Three way tie 
“Fireworks”  Vince Williams

3rd Place – Four way tie 
“Uninspired title #1”  Dale George

3rd Place – Four way tie 
“Farmers Market”  Judy Cox

3rd Place – Four way tie 
“Jim Heern”  Old Glory

3rd Place – Four way tie 
“Shell Station”  Jim Ingraham

Electronic Image Competition – Open Category

1st Place

“The Stare down”  Bobette Heern
This image was taken at the West Coast Game Park Safari 8 miles south of Bandon, Oregon. Overcast skies. Early morning. I brought a plastic sack to sit on. Everytime he heard the bag rattle, I got his immediate focused attention. Captured this shot as he approached me at the fence. I bet he thought I had a second breakfast for him. He hung around while i snapped away. I softly told him what a magnifiecent creature he was and that it was an honor to be in his presence. He continued to pose. We were communing with each other in a timeless space.  Nikon 610

2nd Place – Four way tie 
“Flaming white Tulip”  Laurie Scaruffi

2nd Place – Four way tie 
“Waiting patiently”  Rose Christner

2nd Place – Four way tie 
“Emerging Sunflower”  Russ Williamson

2nd Place – Four way tie 

“Spirit Island” Jan Kloes

3rd Place – Four way tie 
“Apple Blossom”  Doris Welborn

3rd Place – Four way tie 
“In the strike zone”  Joel Takarsh

3rd Place – Four way tie 
“Blue Light Special”  Pam Arbogast

3rd Place – Four way tie 
“Definitely safe”  Joel Takarsh

Print Image Competition – Assigned (Americana)
1st Place -Two way tie 
“Bull Rider”  Linda Bryant

This photo was taken at the McCaslin Rodeo in Grants Pass. Shot with  my Canon EOS 6D,using a Canon 70-200 mm lens. My settings were F/2.8, 1/4000sec., ISO 6400 at 200mm.It is almost straight out of the camera. I cropped it and sharpened it to bring in the details of the dirt.I also added Topaz Glow at 20%.

Print Image Competition – Assigned (Americana)
1st Place -Two way tie 
“Majestic”  Linda Bryant

I took this photo at Wildlife Images in Grants Pass. Used my Canon EOS 6D camera. Settings were F/5.6, 1/500 sec., ISO 400, at 300mm.I sharpened the Eyes, the Beak and some of the Feathers on the face.

Print Image Competition – Open category
1st Place
“Calla Lilly”  Jim Ingraham
This image was taken in Crescent City near the pier on a cloudy, windy and rainy day. Shot hand held at ISO 1600, 1/500th second at f16. Nikon D810 and 70-200 Nikkor lens set at 150 mm. This was probably on of the last good shots I got with this lens as a couple of weeks later I dropped it in the ocean. It is now a magnificent paper weight.

2nd Place 
High Limit Lounge
“High Limit Lounge”  Dale George

3rd Place 
“Open all night”  Dale George