Judges: Linda Noles, Jan Kloes and Joel Takarsh (Main member Judge)

Electronic Image Competition – Open category

Note: Due to time constraints, each member could only enter two images this month instead of three

1st Place – Image of the Month


“The Dragonfly”  Laurie Scaruffi

The photo was taken in a friend’s asparagus garden here in Grants Pass with a Nikon D90 and a Tamron 70-300 lens. Exposure: 1/60sec, f5.6 @ ISO-320.  It was hand held, and since I’m a bit shaky, I popped the flash, and it gave a sparkle to his wings. I love all kinds of nature photography and I was so delighted when the dragonfly didn’t fly away so I got a couple different pictures, but liked this one the best.
I have enjoyed photography since the mid-70’s using a 35mm film camera.  I had put my camera down for years.  However, when I moved to Grants Pass and joined the Camera Club, I started learning more about the world of digital photography and editing, it really became a passion again.  Although I can’t physically do the things I used to, I keep my love of photography by interaction with other photographers in the Club.  When I’m not able to get out and take pictures, I enjoy editing them!  Best of all, I passed on my love of photography to my daughter who is now an accomplished professional photographer in Kansas. 

2nd Place


“Bee in the Blueberries”  Linda Bryant

3rd Place – Tie (x6)

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“Luminous”  Bobette Heern

3rd Place – Tie (x6)


“Fire Blues”  Dave Church

3rd Place – Tie (x6)


“Ragnar”  Jim Heern

3rd Place – Tie (x6)


“Crazy Woody”  Jim Ingraham

3rd Place – Tie (x6)

Fogbank Sunrise

“Fogbank Sunrise”  Nomeca Hartwell

3rd Place – Tie (x6)

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“Horny Goat Cafe”  Laurie Scaruffi

Electronic Image Competition – Assigned category (Competitive Sports)

1st Place


“Tough Glove”  Joel Takarsh

This photo was taken at Hidden Valley High School in May  of 2015. I was on assignment for the Daily Courier newspaper and thought this was the most interesting picture I had captured all day. I feel it has a lot of qualities that I like in a sports picture. Soft background, captured action, tells a story. Good athletes make getting pictures like this so much easier.
Taken with Nikon D4 with 400mm f/2.8 prime lens.
ISO was set at 160, shutter speed 1/4000 sec., f-stop was set at 3.2 for shallow depth of field. Processed in Lightroom.

2nd Place


“YeeHaw”  Linda Bryant

3rd Place – Tie (x3)


“Face Mask – 15 yard penalty”  Joel Takarsh

3rd Place – Tie (x3)


“Clearing the Bar”  Ozzie Cummins

3rd Place – Tie (x3)

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“She’s Out!”  Debbie Jallit

Honorable Mention – Tie (x3)


“Go!”  Jim Heern

Honorable Mention – Tie (x3)


“Parker 425 Race”  Ken Welborn

Print Competition – Open Category

Note: Not enough entries for ‘assigned category’ in prints, only ‘open’ this month

1st Place 


“Ants in your plants”  Greg Smith

Macro is a fairly new area of photography for me.  Almost immediately I identified the inherent challenge of balancing a small aperture for the desires depth of field, with enough shutter speed to shoot hand held while stalking a moving subject.  Armed with a new dedicated flash for my 100mm macro lens, I was able to strike a nice balance and get the image that I had hoped for.  Shooting from a low position allowed for the inclusion of an evening blue sky as a nice background for the shot.  My camera settings were:  2500 ISO, 1/100 second, f/25.

2nd Place – Tie (x2)

The Hemi Hauler

“The Hemi Hauler”  Dale George 

2nd Place – Tie (x2)

The Ogler

“The Ogler”  Dale George