Judges: Dave Low, Jan Kloes and Matt Connell (Guest Judge)

Print Image Competition – Open 

1st Place – Image of the Month

JimHeern_Cave_The Sentinel

 “The Sentinel”  Jim Heern

The “Sentinel” image was captured at the West Coast Wildlife Safari near Bandon, Oregon. The African leopard has faced major threats of habitat invasion and intense persecution in retaliation for loss of livestock (real or perceived). It was taken after feeding on an autumn morning with overcast skies.   His majestic nature captured my attention.  ISO 80, F/5.6, Shutter Speed 1/60 sec., at 440mm with 200-500 mm lens. 


2nd Place – Tie (x2)

Poseidons Lair CCC

“Poseidon’s Lair”  Dale George

2nd Place – Tie (x2)
Wizard Island Starry Planets2
“Wizard Island & Starry Planets”  Nomeca Hartwell

3rd Place
Watching You, Watching Me CCC-001
“Watching you, watching me”  Dale George

Print Image Competition – Assigned Category (City at Night) 

1st Place


“Making Plywood”  Jim Ingraham

The Tim Ply Corporation off SE ‘M’ St. in Grants Pass. Tripod mounted, one exposure for 30 seconds. I used a flashlight to paint in some light on the plywood. ISO 400 and F16. Then the security guards chased me away.

2nd Place


“Capital Waterfront”  Greg Smith

Electronic Image Competition – Open 

1st Place – Tie (x3)


 “Ghost Spider”  Dale George

I was going stir crazy at home recovering from surgery and needed to get outside and move a little. Decided that it was time to pull out my new Canon 100mm macro lens and see what I could do with it. Summer flowers were in full bloom and I noticed this tiny spider lurking on the pedals of a small flower on our back deck. I pulled up a comfortable chair, set up the camera and tripod and moved in as close as I could get. He was twitchy and hid behind the backside for a bit, but returned to his original spot. I used the zoom function on the live view screen so I could get razor sharp focus on the eyes…held my breath and tripped the shutter. Upon processing I was instantly impressed at the quality of this macro lens and its sharpness. And now for some details. Shot with my Canon 5D Mk3, Canon 100mm f/2.8 lens.   Camera settings..3200 ISO f/5.6 at  1/250th sec. No flash, just natural light under a shade tree.

1st Place – Tie (x3)


 “Primary Colors”  Jan Kloes

Using three different colors of Jello, each glass was filled with approximately the same amount and tilted to the side.  After the Jello solidified, the glasses were straightened up on their bases.  To make the little colored spots on the table, I used a speedlight with a honeycomb grid at about a 45 degree angle.  The light bouncing through the Jello also made the little “tails” on the sides opposite the Jello.

1st Place – Tie (x3)


 “Thompson Creek Kitty”  Nomeca Hartwell

Thompson Creek Kitty was fortuitous.  I was trying out a new vantage point when I noticed my cat posing nicely for me in  just the right spot. I couldn’t resist.  Making a decent image out of it was another matter since he was in the shady part of the picture but post processing got me there eventually. I even touched up his eyes  and little pink nose. ISO 1000 at 1/250 sec, f5.6 with my 24mm  f.1.8 lens on a Nikon 750D.

2nd Place – Tie (x3)


“Lucid Swan Dream”  Bobette Heern

2nd Place – Tie (x3)


“Fog and Snow” Jim Ingraham

2nd Place – Tie (x3)


“Sunflower”  Jan Kloes

3rd Place – Tie (x2)


“Glass Rack”  Dave Church

3rd Place – Tie (x2)


“Stanley Lake Splendor”  Pam Arbogast

Electronic Image Competition – Assigned Category (City at Night) 

1st Place


 “City Skyline and Union Station”  Laurie Scaruffi

F6 200 ISO 1/6 sec.  This is Union Station with Kansas City in background taken from the landing of the World War 1 Memorial. It was 10pm during the summer and 90 degrees out with 90% humidity. Just want you to know I suffered for this picture. ha ha  The middle window of Union Station had a banner in it for the “Body Works Exhibit” It is open to the public inside and makes for great pictures, however, if you are a professional there is a fee to take pics inside.  It does not handle trains anymore but has restaurants and science center etc inside.

2nd Place


 “Portland”  Jim Heern

3rd Place

 “Straight to Taprock”  Jim Ingraham

Honorable Mention – Tie (x6)
 “Ashland Night”  Dave Bell

Honorable Mention – Tie (x6)
 “City Across the Bay”  Debbie Jallit

Honorable Mention – Tie (x6)
 “Olympia”  Greg Smith

Honorable Mention – Tie (x6)
 “Honolulu Skyline”  Judy Cox

Honorable Mention – Tie (x6)
 “Evening Stroll”  Debbie Jallit

Honorable Mention – Tie (x6)
 “Kaw Point Statue”  Laurie Scaruffi