Judges: Arlene Pence, Donald Tedrow and Gene Rimmer (Main Judge)

Print Image Competition – Assigned Category (Monochrome)

1st Place – Image of the Month

Guess Who's Cheating-_Web

“Guess Who’s Cheating”  Marcia Fasy

Last year there was a fundraiser for the Grants Pass Downs, and I was asked to take photos at the event. There was a great group of cowboys and girls who performed there. It was so much fun, and I was happy to volunteer to photograph the event.  Our assignment for March was monochromatic images.  I remembered this image, and thought it would be wonderful in sepia tones, because it was very fitting for their costumes.  It was shot with the Canon 6D with a 24-105mm lens at 24mm, ISO 4000.

2nd Place

A Bygone Era

“A Bygone Era”  Dale George

3rd Place-Tie


“New Growth”  Jim Ingraham

3rd Place-Tie

“Heceta Beach”  Lynda Noles

Print Image Competition – Open Category

1st Place

Built To Last

“Built to Last”  Dale George

This image was taken last fall as we swung through Astoria. The Flavel house was on my list of places to stop and explore as I really love seeing a true Victorian home with period furnishings. I used a tripod on all shots taken here as lighting was dim and I wanted to shoot with a low ISO for best results. This particular shot was 3 exposures blended in Photomatix and cleaned up in Lightroom 5. There were a couple bus loads of tourists that were going through the house, but as typical, they went through quickly allowing me time to set up and get many decent scenes here. I never thought of myself as an architecture guy, but the mood and feel of scenes like this one make me want to explore other interiors like it.

And now for the nuts and bolts of it. Taken with a Canon 5D Mark III and Canon 16-35mm lens. The lens was opened to 16mm and an average exposure of 1/6 second with exposures of +2 and -2.F stop f/8 and ISO 100 for the least noise.

2nd Place


“Paige”  Linda Bryant

3rd Place

Route 66 Collage 8x10

“Route 66 Collage”  Marcia Fasy

Electronic Image Competition – Open Category

1st Place


“Jade’s Magic Show”  Lori Mitchell

2nd Place


“That’s Close Enough”  Jim Ingraham

Electronic Image Competition – Assigned Category (Mononchrome)

1st Place


“Lone Tree”  Nomeca Hartwell

I liked the simplicity  of this Lone Tree and its Shadow out on a barren field in the Palouse area so I made the usual 3 image capture.   When I started playing with it in Lightroom, I realized that an Infrared type conversion would make  it seem “other-worldly”  so I brought a color version into CS6 , did the B&W conversion to a faux infrared   (after rebalancing the color so that the clouds on the left would be a little whiter ) and then added a fairly strong Orton effect from an ‘Image Apply’  action that I  created. I masked off some of the final sharpening and added a translucent border that enhanced the ethereal feel of the finished image. Canon T2i, using 18mm  on my 18-135mm lens at f/8, 1/2000 sec. , ISO 400.

2nd Place – Tie (x6)


“The Buckboard stops here”  Dale George

2nd Place – Tie (x6)


“A Ghostly Figure”  Jim Heern

2nd Place – Tie (x6)


“The Catacombs”  Debbie Jallit

2nd Place – Tie (x6)


“Breaking Trail”  Ozzie Cummins

2nd Place – Tie (x6)


“Kristy Lee”  Linda Bryant

2nd Place – Tie (x6)

“Cartagena”  Lynda Nowles

3rd Place – Tie (x6)

06_03A2_LaurieScarufi_CAVE_Wrap your brain around this chair

“Wrap your brain around this chair”  Laurie Scaruffi

3rd Place – Tie (x6)


“What He Left Me”  Dave Low

3rd Place – Tie (x6)


“Daisy”  Patty Booth

3rd Place – Tie (x6)


“Whispy”  Jan Kloes

3rd Place – Tie (x6)


“Precious Moment”  Suzie Pratt