Judges: Laurie Scaruffi,  Matt Connell (Guest Judge) , Marcia Fasy

Most images can be enlarged by clicking within the frame.


Electronic Image Competition – Assignment “Contradictions”
First Place
Image of the Month

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“The Bad Nun”  Jim Ingraham

Please don’t be offended. This image was was taken for the monthly assignment “Contradictions” and is meant to be light hearted and humorous. Taken at the old Golden schoolhouse near Wolf Creek. Three flashes were used. One at 45 degrees camera left behind photographer, one with a grid spot to light the cross, and one backlight (also with a grid spot) that is accentuating her stomach and the whiskey bottle. ISO 400, F6.3 and 1/6 second to allow some ambient light to fill in the shadows.

Electronic Image Competition – Assignment “Contradictions”
2nd Place Tie


“Dream Camera”  Debbie Jallit

Electronic Image Competition – Assignment “Contradictions”
2nd Place Tie


“Fire and Ice”  Greg Smith

Electronic Image Competition – Assignment “Contradictions”
2nd Place Tie


“War and Peace”  Jim Heern

Electronic Image Competition – Assignment “Contradictions”
3rd Place Tie


“Just Say NO to Crack”  Ned Booth

Electronic Image Competition – Assignment “Contradictions”
3rd Place Tie


“The Dilemma”  Jim Ingraham

Electronic Image Competition – “Open”
First Place
Image of the Month


“At the Theatre”  Marcia Fasy

This photo was taken at the Cabaret Theater in Ashland, OR. Of Course, photography is forbidden in the theater and usually we are seated in tables on the front row so it is definitely out. This one performance we were seated in the balcony and I just happened to have my baby camera (Canon SL1 with the 40mm stm lens attached) in my purse. It was taken at f2.8 and iso 400. The best part was that I didn’t get caught!

Electronic Image Competition – “Open”
2nd Place Tie


“Klamath Sky”  Jim Heern

Electronic Image Competition – “Open”
2nd Place Tie


“Backboard Brawl”  Joel Takarsh

Electronic Image Competition – “Open”
2nd Place Tie

a monster fire right over the border that really shows up well at night. Sadly it took out many homes including fellow Lookout ( 50+ years as Lookout) Nancy Hood's who lives in Scott's Valley

a monster fire right over the border that really shows up well at night. Sadly it took out many homes including fellow Lookout ( 50+ years as Lookout) Nancy Hood’s who lives in Scott’s Valley

“Fire On the Mountain”  Nomeca Hartwell

Electronic Image Competition – “Open”
2nd Place Tie


“Ready Set Relax”  Dale George

Electronic Image Competition – “Open”
3rd Place Tie

Anasazi Cactus

“Baby Skin Cactus”  Nomeca Hartwell

Electronic Image Competition – “Open”
3rd Place Tie


“Late Light on the Mountain”  Ozzie Cummins

Print Competition – Assignment “Contradictions”
First Place Tie
Image of the Month


“All Thumbs”  Greg Smith

“All Thumbs” is my representation of a contradiction.  Using a remote shutter release, I took a studio shot of my own arm.  In Photoshop I created a duplicate layer and rotated that layer 360 degrees.  Using layer masks and the cloning tool, I was able to manipulate the image to conjoin the two arms and create the final ghoulish image.  My camera settings were:  200 ISO, 1/10th of a second, f 4.5, and a 82mm focal length. I believe I used two studio flashes for this exposure.

Print Competition – Assignment “Contradictions”
First Place Tie
Image of the Month

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“Icy Bananas in a Blue Bowl”  Marcia Fasy

The assignment was “Contradictions” so I thought of the banana and ice because it was something you never do. No one refrigerates or ices bananas. I like the contrasting colors between the bananas and the cobalt blue of the bowl. The photo was taken on my living room floor with the bowl sitting on a piece of black velvet. The lighting was natural window light. It was taken with the Canon 7D with the 24-105mm L lens at 1/40 sec. @ f4 iso 100. 

Print Competition – “Open”
First Place Tie
Image of the Month

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“Mediterranean Window”  Marcia Fasy

The Mediterranean Window was taken in Santa Barbara when I was visiting my brother. It is a window in one of the buildings of the Santa Barbara Biltmore Hotel. I found that the beautiful
window against the white stucco building took me on an imaginary trip to Greece. It personified what I thought it would look like. I had to photograph it. It is one of my favorites and I plan to hang it in my home.
This photo was taken with the Canon 7D and edited in Lightroom and Photoshop CC. The lens used was the Canon 24-105mm L lens.

Print Competition – “Open”
First Place Tie
Image of the Month

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“Where’s Waldo?”  Dale George

I decided that for the camera clubs assigned category of “Temptations” I would use some props and dog toys that were in my closet. I wanted to go for a humorous type of  image that would be something different and perhaps just a bit disturbing. These Halloween dolls are easy to work with and they don’t expect to be paid for their modeling work!!
1/2 sec. exposure     focal length 27mm     ISO 400     aperture f/5.6     Taken with a Canon T2I and Canon 10-22mm lens.

Print Competition – “Open”
First Place Tie
Image of the Month

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“Rogue River Railroad Bridge”  Jim Ingraham

Taken in Gold Hill, Oregon. Shot with a Nikon D810 and 70-200mm lens at 86mm. Exposure data was ISO 64 and F22 at 1/2 second, tripod mounted. I needed F22 because of the deep depth of field. The image was flipped horizontally in post processing.

Print Competition – “Open”
2nd Place Tie


“Fire Dancer”  Linda Bryant

Print Competition – “Open”
2nd Place Tie

Evening Fogbank_2015_5281

“Evening Fogbank”  Nomeca Hartwell

Print Competition – “Open”
2nd Place Tie

After The Holidays

“After the Holidays”  Dale George

Print Competition – “Open”
2nd Place Tie


“Alaskan Wilderness”  Patty Booth