PNW, Late Spring Rain

Photograph by Ozzie Cummins

I had been exploring some of the fire burned area from last summer’s Klondike Fire.  It was raining all morning with fog and low clouds obscuring most of the high country.
I was following a logging road near Silver Creek, west of Chrome Ridge.  I drove down a steep ridge heading west.  Suddenly, the sun partially broke through, lighting up the tips of the limbs of Douglas fir and the newly recovered (from fire) ferns in some areas of the scene. It was classic PNW in full bloom!
It was shot with my Nikon d750, 28-300mm lens. Focal length of 56 mm, F8, 1/500 sec at ISO 100.
I began photography about the time I joined the Caveman Camera Club in 2009.  I’ve enjoyed photography, camaraderie with other club members, and 4x4ing ever since.  They all go together so nicely.

Congratulations! Ozzie on a beautiful image.  Look for Ozzie’s image sometime soon in the Daily Courier.