First Place

Bugs In My Bloomers   Dale George

I had shot this particular plant over a series of days trying to get the perfect shot. This small insect was there nearly every day, but getting all the elements to come together was super challenging. I wanted in my mind to get a single bloom, in the right spot plus the insect at the right spot, with sharp focus throughout. The insect was the hardest part as it NEVER stopped moving and in fact was very camera shy. Nearly every shot with the insect in it inevitably was out of focus due to movement or other focus problems. Compounding the problem was hand holding the heavy camera/lens combination, while coaxing the insect to stay high up on the blooming part of the plant. Shooting at f/29 for maximum DOF did not help either. Eventually I managed to get a couple images that I was happy with, and learned that patience outweighs skill in some instances.

Shot with a Canon 5DMKIV, 100m lens combination. Speedlights we used off camera, ISO 1250, f/29, at 1/10 sec.



Two Second Places

Are You Looking At Me?   Cynthia Briseno

Sweet Butterfly   Laurie Hayden-Quinn


Five Third Places

A Walk In The Park   Susan Sheets


Sierras Near Bridgeport   Gene Rimmer


Quit Following Me   Rose Christner


The Ballet   Daniel Allen


Mmmm A Peony   Laurie Hayden-Quinn