Judges: Jim Heern, Jan Franz and Matt Connell (Guest Judge)

Electronic Image Competition – Open Category

1st Place – Image of the Month


“Nevermore”  Dave Low

1st Place – Tie


“Game Saver”  Joel Takarsh

Certainly shooting sports action is a first love with me. I shot this at a Rogue River High School baseball game in April of 2014.
During the course of the game, I couldn’t help but notice how talented of an athlete the short-stop for Rogue River High School was.
I then made it a point to keep my camera on him and at a critical game saving moment, he made this back hand catch that yielded an exciting photo capture. This image was taken with a Nikon D4 mounted with a Nikon 400mm AF-S f/2.8 lens. Exposure info ISO 640, Shutter speed 1/8000 sec, f/stop 3.2. In sports/action photography it’s not taking photos, it’s about capturing moments.

2nd Place


“Bryce Hoodoos”  Greg Smith

3rd Place – Tie


“Palouse Sunrise”  Nomeca Hartwell

 3rd Place – Tie


“A walk in the park”  Jim Ingraham

3rd Place – Tie


“Sky Kiss”  Jim Heern

 Print Image Competition – Open Category

1st Place


“Commingle”  Don Tedrow

This is a composite image. I have only done a few. I was frustrated with my approach to capturing the eclipse, my vision was never realized. The seed, for the composite was planted during Louis Anderson’s education night. The Milky way was captured with a Cannon 15mm fish eye lens at f 2.8, iso 3200 and a 30 second exposure on a Cannon Mark 3.

2nd Place


“Sea Turtle”  Jim Ingraham

Electronic Image Competition – Assigned Category (Portraits)

1st Place – Tie


“Cassie”  Linda Bryant

I took this pic of Cassie back in 2015… We went out to Williams and were just playing around.
I opened the pc into Photoshop, took a white brush and brushed out the background and her bra straps that were showing, added Nik Collections Silver Efex Pro, Antique Plate 2…Next I added Topaz Labs Glow, Fur and Feathers 1. Adjusted to how I wanted it to look. This was taken using my Canon 5DMark 111. Setting were as follows: Shutter speed 640, f4,75mm and ISO was set at 2500… It was kinda dark there.

1st Place – Tie


“John likes beer”  Marcia Fasy

A small group of us used to have a little Photoshop User Group  which met one afternoon a month. John was a member of that group. He asked to have a portrait taken of him. Another member who was a retired wedding photographer set up a studio in his garage. He was the lighting guru and I took the photos.  John was wearing this black shirt and had the Greek fisherman’s hat with him. I took many shots and many different poses. The portrait was taken with a Canon 5D, 24-105mm f4 L lens, at 75mm, ISO 100, manual focus.

2nd Place – Tie


“Should I Continue”  Donald Tedrow

2nd Place – Tie


“Little Lilly”  Debbie Jallit

2nd Place – Tie


“Portrait of a Student Athlete”  Joel Takarsh

2nd Place – Tie


“Snake and Apple”  Gene Rimmer

2nd Place – Tie


“Ella Wishes”  Pam Arbogast

2nd Place – Tie


“Jason”  Patty Booth

2nd Place – Tie


“Chief”  Ned Booth

Print Image Competition – Open Category

1st Place – Tie

Mad in the Manzanita 4 CCC

“Mad in the Manzanita”  Gene Rimmer

Amateur but unabashed model Onastacia Palmateer and I went up to the Cathedral Hills to take some pictures of her in the sensuous manzanita.  I didn’t quite get the image that I had in mind, but after a long shoot with several wardrobe changes, this image was one of my favorite.  Her hair is artificial dreadlocks, and her expression is purely posed.  She’s a wonderful sport.  This was a light overcast day, no artificial lighting but post production work done in Lightroom, CS6, and Nik Color Efex Pro.  I used my Canon 5D mark III, 24-105mm lens at 40mm, ISO 400, 1/90 at f/11.

1st Place – Tie


“John the Fisherman”  Marcia Fasy

A small group of us used to have a little Photoshop User Group  which met one afternoon a month. John was a member of that group. He asked to have a portrait taken of him. Another member who was a retired wedding photographer set up a studio in his garage. He was the lighting guru and I took the photos.  John was wearing this black shirt and had the Greek fisherman’s hat with him. I took many shots and many different poses but this was my favorite.The portrait was taken with a Canon 5D, 24-105mm f4 L lens, at 75mm, ISO 100, manual focus.

2nd Place


“Disturbing Portrait”  Russ Williamson