Electronic Image Competition – Open Category

First Place – Image of the Month


 “Winning Colors”  Joel Takarsh

Photo was shot at Grants Pass Downs back in July of 2015.
Used a NIKON D4 camera mounted with a 400mm f/2.8 fixed focal length lens.
Image was shot at ISO 1000. Exposure was at f/5.6 at 1/3200th of a second, shutter speed.
I shoot sports for the Daily Courier and there’s always lots of great shots at Grants Pass Downs.

Second Place-Tie


 “Not in Time”  Joel Takarsh

Second Place-Tie


 Bobette Heern

Third Place


 “Fire in their Eyes” Pam Arbogast

Electronic Image Competition – Assigned Category ‘Wildlife’

First Place – Tie


 “Dragonfly” Patty Booth

I took this photo using a Nikon D3 with a 105mms macro lens. I enjoy taking macro shots especially in my backyard because of the quiet and solitude.  I’m always amazed how calm I feel after a backyard “shoot”.
Joyfully, Patty

First Place – Tie

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“The Swan” Debbie Jallit

This was taken last May while we were visiting family in Denmark. We were walking along the shoreline of Øresund in Charlottenlund, Copenhagen and there were several of these swans swimming along side of us.  I hadn’t seen swans living in a saltwater environment before, although evidently they do, and the purity of their whiteness against the clarity of the waters were just captivating to me.  It was taken mid-afternoon on a partly cloudy day with my Nikon D7000, 28-300 zoom lens at 85mm, F8, ISO 200 at 1/500 second.

Second Place – Tie


“Igor 2” Dave Church

Second Place – Tie


“Pete” Jim Ingraham

Third Place – Tie


“Curious Coyote” Jim Heern

Third Place – Tie


“I Otter be in pictures” Patty Booth

Third Place – Tie


“Tasty” Jim Heern

Third Place – Tie


“Uber Gull” Ozzie Cummings

Honorable Mention


“Siblings” Jim Heern

Honorable Mention




“The Ugly Kitten” Crystal Butcher

Honorable Mention


“I heard that” Jim Ingraham

Honorable Mention


“Varied Thresh & Frozen Apple” Marcia Fasy

Honorable Mention


“Eagle” Russ Williamson

Honorable Mention


“The Catch” Ken Welborn

Honorable Mention


“Southern Bald Ibis” Ned Booth

Print Image Competition – Open Category

First Place

Dale George_Cave_Christ Church Cathedral #2

“Christ Church Cathedral #2” Dale George

“Christ Church Cathedral #2” was taken in September while on vacation in Victoria, British Columbia. This was one of my “must have” shots from Victoria. We stopped in one afternoon and were welcomed and given a pamphlet with some history of the Cathedral and other historical facts on it. We had full access as long as we did not disturb any worshipers. I deposited a donation in the donation box and set out to get my shots. I had to be patient, as there was another photographer there using a mono-pod and he had gotten there first. After what seemed like an eternity, he finished and I had my turn. I kept running into this guy the whole trip at various locations, and he was always there just before we arrived at each place…very weird!!!

 And now for the nuts and bolts info…. Shot with a Canon (yea) 5D Mark III and my new 16-35mm wide angle lens. As this is an HDR image, I set my camera for aperture priority and bracketed 3 shots at 0, +1, -1.  Aperture f/9 and ISO 200 for an average exposure of 1/10 sec.   Processed in Photomatix and Lightroom 5 only.

Second Place-Tie

Dale George_Cave_Desert Dusk

“Desert Dusk” Dale George

Second Place-Tie


“Trains and Tattoos” Jim Ingraham

Print Image Competition – Assigned Category (Wildlife)

First Place


“Resting Quietly” Russ Williamson

“Resting Quietly” was taken at the Sequoia Park Zoo, in Eureka, California.  The print image was taken for the December subject of animals.  The image was taken with my Nikon D810, using a Sigma 500mm lens.  The settings were ISO 200, F/14, at 1/80sec.  I used a tripod to hold the camera.  The image was emailed to Costco, who made the print.

Second Place – Tie


“Badass Badger” Patty Booth

Second Place – Tie


“Don’t Go” Jim Heern

Third Place


“Nuthatch” Debbie Jallit