Those who attend the WRPC light painting education night will be in for a ton-O-fun and a opportunity to capture some unique images. Who knows,…you may get bitten by the light painting bug yourself. 
    Helpful suggestions I offer are…
#1).    PLEASE get acquainted with using bulb mode on your particular camera prior to attending. Practice setting different lengths of exposure time “on the fly” as this is difficult to learn in the dark and fumbling with the menu in real time. 
#2).     Bring a shutter release cable if you own one, but it is not entirely necessary if you learn bulb mode. 
#3).     Bring your tripod, this one is a no-brainer…and maybe bring a small flashlight, just in case.

    When I do light painting at home, solo, knowing how to change my ISO and f/stop quickly and without turning on lights is very helpful. 
    Lastly, have fun. The last time we did this members had a great time and went home with some unique images to practice editing on. You won’t want to miss this opportunity!!
    See you there……

Can’t wait! ****We will have two groups so there will time to try various light painting tools and scenarios. There is pavement to put tripods on. The exact location is Reinhart All Sports Park near the small Park house on the River Vista side of the park (the backside of the little duck pond). We can gather under the pergola there. Parking is a bit before and after the pergola. Here’s a map. Try to be on time and don’t forget the essentials Dale listed above.

Reinhart Park
Photo by Nomeca Hartwell, Light Painting by Dale George, Model Ozzie Cummins