Misty Stars Over Elephant Rock

Photograph by Nomeca Hartwell







Nomeca writes about her image:

This Bandon Beach shot nearly didn’t happen as first the moon and then the rising and falling mist interfered with getting a clean shot of the Milky Way. In fact, my shooting companion had already thrown in the towel, taken a warm shower and was resting in bed when I phoned her up and said it might be possible to get a decent shot if she hurried back out. ( she did much to my surprise). Those few minutes were all that we had and I succeeded in getting the 4 shots I needed before the mist closed in for good for the night. Nikon D750, 24mm lens, f/2.2 and 15 secs at ISO 3200 on a tripod.

I have been a member of the camera club for many years and enjoy the field trips, the photo challenges, and sharing the photo journeys’ of the many excellent photographers who pass through our doors.

Congratulations, Nomeca, on your beautiful image! Look for Nomeca’s image soon in the Daily Courier!