First Place

Never A Couple By Larry Pollock

Larry writes about his image:

The assigned “Odd Couple” category was one of the more challenging ones this year. Finally hitting on the idea of drugs and alcohol, I went into the studio to create the image. The setup was a black glass table with a black background. Three studio lights were used, one for the rim and backlighting, one for the front light (Key light), and one with a red gel to give a “red light” warning as the background. 

The ‘Never A Couple’ image was easy to set up. The process was straightforward, and the time needed to take the photos was surprisingly short. Even editing was relatively quick this time, as little dust settled onto the table and subjects.

Settings: ISO 320 – 1/250 sec – f/11 – 50mm

jim beam, RX,pills,odd,couple,WILD,2024