December 2018 Print Winners
Two First Places
Late Night Show Jim Heern
Two First Places
Late Night Show Jim Heern
First Place
Annabelle Dale George
Halloween brings out my “darker side” and I always feel like it’s a photographic opportunity that most do not explore. I purchased this horror movie doll from our local Halloween store because I knew her piercing blue eyes and weird face would command attention. I shot this in an upstairs bedroom on a Victorian chair and placed her and Frank against the wall. Natural light was coming from the right and a speed light from the left. Most of the processing was done in On1 software by adding several textures in modest amounts to give it a slightly gritty look and lastly with a sunburst texture.
Shot with a Canon 5DMKIV and 24-70 lens combination. ISO 100, f/5 at 1/30 second.
Four Second Places
Daddy’s Home Rose Christner
The Venetian Dale George
Picture Of Happiness Greg Smith
Hello There Beautiful Lori Quinn
(image not available)
Three Third Place Winners
Grayback Creek Jim Heern
Rock Star Susan Sheets
This image is from the Boatnik carnival this year. It was a little showery that evening. I caught this young boy with his umbrella taking it all in on the steps of the Rockstar ride.
Cosmic Clouds Bobette Heern
(Image not available)
First Place
I Puke On Food Dale George
Second Place
Five Second Place Winners
Lone Rock Sunset Jim Ingraham
Just Ducky Greg Smith
Wishes Susan Sheets
Here Today Gone Tomorrow Dale George
Deadly Dancers by Bobette Heern
Third Place
Three Third Place Winners
Mischief Lexi Gasperson
Basking In The Sun Rose Christner
Ropin’ Cowboys by Laurie Hayden-Quinn (Image not available)
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First Place
Two First Place Winners
Lake Selmac-Moon, Stars & Jupiter Nomeca Hartwell
Lake Selmac was sheer lucky happenstance as I wandered around in the dark. With a few too many lights around the lake and having fruitlessly walked the dam in the dark, I drove over to a darker section of the area still hoping to find a doable shot of the Milky Way. I stumbled down towards the water past some picnic tables and found this lovely view around Midnight. Interestingly enough, Lake Selmac became a Fire Camp HQ the very next day and there is no way I could have taken these shots. It is a double vertical row of star shots stitched together. Nikon D750 and Nikkor 24mm f1.8 lens at f/2.2, ISO 3200, 13 secs, 4 dupes of each shot (=24shots), stacked in Sequator to remove noise, basic adjustments in LR and then a lot more work in PS.
Lake Lemolo Black Stars Nomeca Hartwell
Lemolo Lake, taken mid-June, was a beautiful, serene , reflective starscape a few miles away from Diamond lake. My travel partner, Don T., spent all night photographing and videoing the scene and saw wonderous sights. I went to my tent after Midnight and had a chilly rest ( talk about suffering for the cause of art). Nikon D750, ISO 3200, 12 sec., 24mm 1.8 lens at f/2.0… 16 shots, stacked into 4 working shots in Sequator to remove noise, adjustments in LR and further work in PS.
Second Place
Two Second Place Winners
Going Rogue Jim Ingraham
Backyard Blooms Dale George
Third Place
Three Third Place Winners
Hovering Hummers Rose Christner
This Is My Good Side Rose Christner
Yaquina Bridge Dale George