September 2019 Print Winners
First Place
“Smiley Face” Dale George
Two Second Places
“Starlight Express” Nomeca Hartwell
“Show Me The Door” Susan Sheets
Third Place
“Frisky Fox” Jim Heern
First Place
“Smiley Face” Dale George
Two Second Places
“Starlight Express” Nomeca Hartwell
“Show Me The Door” Susan Sheets
Third Place
“Frisky Fox” Jim Heern
First Place
Himba Women Gene Rimmer
Second Place
The Master Calls Us Dale George
Four Third Places
I’m Part of The Cleanup Crew Cynthia Briseno
Early Email Dale George
Are You My Lunch Rose Christner
My Hummer Linda Bryant
(Image Not Yet Available)
Two First Places
Quiet Sunrise Nomeca Hartwell
A typical beautiful and peaceful September sunrise taken 10 days before the end of my lookout ‘career’ though I didn’t know it at the time. I blended 2 bracketed shots to get the foreground and sky properly exposed and then took it from there with some luminosity masks and a little dodging to get the feeling right. Taken on a tripod with my Nikon D750 and the 24mm f1.8 lens at f/4, 1/640 sec., ISO 1600 ( manual settings), 2nd shot at 1/160 ( +2EV). Blended in LR, finished in PS.
If The Shoe Fits Dale George
This image was taken at the Pike Place Market in Seattle about 3 years ago. I was at the lower level and saw this “Shoe Museum” or others would call a tourist trap. I loved the nostalgic look and feel of it and had to have it.
Taken late day when the crowds had diminished. Used my trusty old Canon 5DMKIII and 24-70 Canon lens. No flash was used and I had it on a tripod. I took a 3 image bracketed set at ISO 2000, set on aperture priority, f/6.3 and average exposure of 1/50th sec. I usually set my bracketed sets at plus and minus 1 stop or slightly more. Blended in Photomatix and worked on in Lightroom. This still rates as one of my top ten favorite images of mine because of the nostalgic look.
Two Second Places
Aw Nuts Greg Smith
A Restful Place Cynthia Briseno
First Place
May I Cut Your Steak Dale George
“May I cut your steak” was a lazy weekend idea that started when I wanted to test out a new backdrop support rod system my wife purchased for me. The shot was set up in our garage and was fairly straight forward. I left one door open about 6 inches just so I could see, and used 2 strobes at about 90 degrees off to the sides and at floor level. Shot is handheld using a Canon 5DMKIV, Canon 100mm macro lens. Camera settings were ISO 6400 at 1/25 sec and f/7.1.
Two Second Places
Harbor Lights Dale George
Aeaissa Jade Jim Ingraham
First Place
Bugs In My Bloomers Dale George
I had shot this particular plant over a series of days trying to get the perfect shot. This small insect was there nearly every day, but getting all the elements to come together was super challenging. I wanted in my mind to get a single bloom, in the right spot plus the insect at the right spot, with sharp focus throughout. The insect was the hardest part as it NEVER stopped moving and in fact was very camera shy. Nearly every shot with the insect in it inevitably was out of focus due to movement or other focus problems. Compounding the problem was hand holding the heavy camera/lens combination, while coaxing the insect to stay high up on the blooming part of the plant. Shooting at f/29 for maximum DOF did not help either. Eventually I managed to get a couple images that I was happy with, and learned that patience outweighs skill in some instances.
Shot with a Canon 5DMKIV, 100m lens combination. Speedlights we used off camera, ISO 1250, f/29, at 1/10 sec.
Two Second Places
Are You Looking At Me? Cynthia Briseno
Sweet Butterfly Laurie Hayden-Quinn
Five Third Places
A Walk In The Park Susan Sheets
Sierras Near Bridgeport Gene Rimmer
Quit Following Me Rose Christner
The Ballet Daniel Allen
Mmmm A Peony Laurie Hayden-Quinn
First Place
The Stalker Cynthia Briseno
Four Second Places
Winter At The Ranch Susan Sheets
Moody Day Falls Jim Heern
Cabbage Swirl Rose Christner
Twilight Beach Bobette Heern
Third Place
Gray Crowned Crane Jim Ingraham