January 2025 Image of the Month
Congratulations! to Carol Walker for her winning image: Reflecting
A great image for our Assigned Category of “Spot Color”
Carol writes about her image: The original colored version of this
photo was taken at Lake Selmac
while on a camping trip with family
in May 2024. This has been one of
my favorite photos since the day it
was taken, so when the assigned
subject of “Spot color” was given, I
instantly knew that this would be
the perfect picture for that.
The spot color photo was created by
turning the original into black &
white, then carefully selecting only
the green trees that you want in
color. This was probably one of the
most enjoyable project assignments
to date, although I love them all.
I u s e d a Nikon D600 c a m e r a with a
1 / 2
Nikon 70-300mm lens for the
original photo. My settings were:
1/320’s, F5.6, 150720@93mm.
Look for Carol’s image soon in the Daily Courier.