It’s Going to Get Weird – Wed. April 5th Meeting
Join Wild Rivers for our April image sharing and print competition at 7pm Newman United Methodist Church. The Assigned category is WEIRD – should be fun. :0).

Join Wild Rivers for our April image sharing and print competition at 7pm Newman United Methodist Church. The Assigned category is WEIRD – should be fun. :0).
Hi Everyone!
Come join us on Wed. night March 15th for a Post Processing Palooza. Five of our very own experienced photographers will share editing workflows, touch on software you may or may not be familiar with, tips and tricks for content aware and more. 7pm Newman Methodist Church.
Orchid by Ross Collins
Ross writes about his image:
I took this photo a couple of years ago in my Sunroom while experimenting with the portrait mode on my iPhone 12 Pro. It was my first phone that allowed me to take photos in RAW, and has been pretty handy when I don’t have the time to take my DSLR with me on my day job at AT&T.
This photo was taken in portrait mode that resulted in an HEIF file, which has a smaller file size and a higher image quality than the standard JPEG. Photo shows 52 mm f2, ISO 250, 1/64 second.
Congratulations Ross on an excellent image. Look for Ross’ image in the Daily courier soon!
First Place
Orchid by Ross Collins
Three Second Places
Middle Of The Falls by Bridget Cline
Wearing Winter by Lynda Rodig
Dragonfly by Ross Collins – photo not yet available
Two Third Places
Beehive Burner by Larry Pollock
This Way Out by Russ Williamson – photo not yet available
Five Honorable Mentions
#10 or Girls Just Have To Have Fun by Susan Sheets
Duck by Jim Ingraham
Big Rock Dawn by Nomeca Hartwell
Eyeing Lunch by Greg Smith
Yaquina Lighthouse by Stephen Anderson – photo not yet available
First Place
Wild At Heart by Lynda Rodig
Lynda writes about her image:
“This image was taken in a barn with only natural light from a high window; as the horse passed through the one patch of sunlight it created a beautiful highlight effect. Shot with an Olympus EM1mk3, f5.0, 1/500sec. @ 70mm.”
Second Place
Mustache Hair By Bridget Cline
Ringlettes By Bridget Cline
Two Honorable Mentions
The Bearded One By Russ Williamson
Hair Of The Dog By Larry Pollock
First Place
Ghost Tree by Susan Sheets
Susan writes about her image: This shot was taken along Highway 199 on the way to the coast. The burnt trees near the top of the pass were sparkling white with frost early that morning. I made this image with an Olympus OM1 camera, at 112mm, f8, ISO 320, 1/40sec handheld.
Second Place
Starlite Express by Nomeca Hartwell
Two Third Places
Fresh Snow In Ouray by Bridget Cline
Last Light On The Shoreline by Jim Ingraham