by Susan Sheets | Jan 3, 2019 | Happenings
It is time for another 4C’s Quarterly Electronic Image Division (QEID) Competition and the deadline is January 31, 2019. The judging this quarter will be done by the Spokane Valley Camera Club (SVCC) in Spokane, Washington and all members of any 4C’s Club can enter up to 3 entries.
We no longer use email attachments to enter images in the QEID Competitions and Mac users no longer need to zip their entries. File sizes and file naming is automatically checked so you no longer need to worry if your entries meet the requirements. The 4Cs Board also increased the maximum files sizes for images so you can now enter larger files or you keep the file sizes the same as before. Our goal is to encourage all 4Cs club members to enter the QEID and to make the entry process as easy as possible.
Go to WWW.4CS.CLUB TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT CHANGES , FILE SIZES AND ALSO TO ENTER YOUR ENTRIES. The deadline is January 31st and only the first 3 entries will be accepted for the competition. Unlike some other photography-based clubs, the 4Cs does not charge an entry fee. The only requirement is that you are a member of one of the 4Cs Clubs and awards are sent to the various 4Cs clubs for presentation to the winners in person at a club meeting. Yes, it is still FREE OF CHARGE for all members of 4C’s clubs.
Be aware that entries are no longer sent as attachments to email messages. If you have questions or problems, I am happy to answer your questions via email at Please don’t send your entries to that email address but questions are fine.
GO TO THE NEW WEB SITE AND CHECK IT OUT AT WWW.4CS.CLUB. When you are ready, use the site to enter your photos in the competition.
Best Regards and I hope 2019 is a good year for you
by Susan Sheets | Dec 25, 2018 | Happenings, Print Winners
Two First Places
Late Night Show Jim Heern
I shot this near Sanger Peak in September. The orange glow in the left hand bottom corner is the Natchez Fire. The green streak was produced by my laser pointer.
The settings were as follows: ISO 4000 24mm shutter speed 15 sec f stop 2.8
Lady In Red Cynthia Briseno
“Lady in Red was shot at 1/20 sec, f/2.8, ISO 5000, 28mm. I shot the photo December 15th. My husband purchased a photo tour for my birthday and this was part of the tour. I shot this at Horseshoe falls just as it got dark. The model is Sophie Clapton. Adam Marland was the lead instructor in the workshop. Adam and Sophie travel the world doing workshops such as these and Sophie has a following of over 55,000 on Instagram! They spend a lot of time in New Zealand. Adam has family here in Southern Oregon and was here to spend Christmas with them. I was so happy they had the time to do such a wonderful workshop!”
Second Place
Stunning Stupidity Laurie Hayden-Quinn
( Image not yet available)
Third Place
Hello There Mister Laurie Hayden-Quinn
(Image not yet available)
Three Honorable Mentions
The Buck Stops Here Greg Smith

Crystal Bar Dale George
They Said it Would Never Fly Dale George
by Susan Sheets | Dec 25, 2018 | Happenings, Image of The Month
Lady In Red
Image by Cynthia Briseno
“Lady in Red was shot at 1/20 sec, f/2.8, ISO 5000, 28mm. I shot the photo December 15th. My husband purchased a photo tour for my birthday and this was part of the tour. I shot this at Horseshoe falls just as it got dark. The model is Sophie Clapton. Adam Marland was the lead instructor in the workshop. Adam and Sophie travel the world doing workshops such as these and Sophie has a following of over 55,000 on Instagram! They spend a lot of time in New Zealand. Adam has family here in Southern Oregon and was here to spend Christmas with them. I was so happy they had the time to do such a wonderful workshop!”

Congratulations! Cynthia on a beautiful image. Look for Cynthia’s image in print in the Daily Courier.

Cynthia Briseno
by Susan Sheets | Dec 25, 2018 | Happenings

Images by Larry Pollock

Larry Pollock Photography

Light Painting
From the Table Top to the Outdoors
Join Pro Photographer Larry Pollock for a fun evening of light painting techniques and demonstration.
Light painting opens the door to unique, one of a kind images, as well as enhanced landscapes and portraits. Simple low cost tools can help you craft memorable still life images and fantastical visions.
Working in the dark can be fun!
January 2, 2019 – 7pm – 9PM
Larry has been shooting professionally since 2011 and has a broad range of skills from product photography, models, events and weddings to landscapes and the night sky. He has taught many studio workshops and also as a guest instructor and Phoenix College Digital Arts Department. He considers himself an Artist Who Paints with Light.
by Susan Sheets | Dec 23, 2018 | EID Winners, Happenings
First Place – Assigned Category – Minimalism
First Place
Foggy Morning Run Rose Christner

Five Second Place Winners
Spiral Dave Church

The Tire Jim Ingraham

One World Trade Center Julie Padgett

Here, Let’s See Susan Sheets

New Mexico Road Lynda Noles

First Place – Open Category
Huddle Up Bobette Heern
“Huddle Up” was shot the day before Christmas at the San Francisco Zoo 2017. Early morning chill created the fluffy cluster atop a 12 foot
cement pedestal at the Lemur exhibit. The sentry’s protective, inquisitive eyes gave contrast to all the furry bodies amassed together.
ISO 100 200 mm F-stop 4.5 Shutter Speed 1/100 sec

Second Place
Black Crested Night Heron Greg Smith

Two Third Place Winners
The Moon and the Tree Nomeca Hartwell

Lizzy Lizard Bobette Heern

Four Honorable Mentions
Tuscany Wine With Bike Marilyn Foreman

Light After The Storm Ozzie Cummins

The Waterdrops View Rose Christner

Into The Night Greg Smith

by Susan Sheets | Dec 13, 2018 | Happenings

Photo by Joy Lane
Hi All, Just a quick reminder that Sunday midnight Dec. 16th is the deadline to get your digital images to Russ Williamson for competition on the 19th. The category is Minimalism and we have a wonderful guest judge to help us through what I’m sure will be a lot of wonderful images.