by Susan Sheets | May 25, 2019 | Competition Results, EID Winners, Happenings
Assigned Category – Cemeteries
Two First Places
His Wife Jim Ingraham

The Ghost On The Coast Rose Christner

Two Second Places
Courage Dave Church

Snowy Grave Linda Williams

Six Third Places
Cowboy Down Cynthia Briseno

Gate To Eternity Debbie Jallit

The Reverend’s Resting Place Debbie Jallit

Ghost At The Cemetery Judy Cox

Ted’s Hat Linda Williams

Final Rest Ozzie Cummins

Open Category
Two First Places
Blue Light Special Dale George

At The Ballet Judy Cox

Three Second Places
Dawn’s Early Light Bob Locher

Not My Pet! Nomeca Hartwell

Starry Tunnel Ross Steensland

by Susan Sheets | May 25, 2019 | Happenings, Image of The Month
Image of The Month
At The Ballet
By Judy Cox

“This photo was taken on a Caveman Camera Club field trip to the dress rehearsal of the Heartland Dance Studio production of “The Wizard of Oz” in 2018. I took the photo with a Sony a6000 mirrorless camera with an 18mm-200mm lens. I shot the photo at 73mm, f/5.6; 1/250. ISO was 3200. I love the challenge of shooting ballet, because I took ballet lessons when I was a little girl and have always found the dance, costumes, and lighting very appealing. I became a member of the Caveman Camera Club about three years ago and I’m grateful for the advice, mentoring, and friendship of the members”.

Congratulations! Judy on a beautiful image. Look for Judy’s image soon in the Daily Courier.
by Susan Sheets | Apr 28, 2019 | Happenings

It’s time to start thinking about locating your eligible prints for the year end judging. We expect to collect most of them at the May competition meeting ( 15th of May) but if you will not be there, be sure to hand in ahead of time or arrange for someone to bring them for you.
Here are the terms and conditions
Year End Prints
Bring this year’s print winners ( Honorable Mentions and all 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Winners) to the May 15th Weds. competition meeting. If you cannot make that meeting, you can bring them to the May 1st Educational meeting.
Be certain your prints and print protectors are fully labeled and have the same title that it won with (“untitled” causes too much confusion.. at least add something unique to the ‘untitled’ so that we can pin it down) .
Please remove any metal hangers on print backs since these will ruin some else’s print.
Use the emailed list as a reminder of which prints are eligible or see PDF below. Deliver to VP Susan Sheets or Judging Secs. Nomeca and Debbie by the May 15th meeting at the latest. Also don’t forget to include any May competition winning prints for the Year End Judging.
Prints should be picked up at the Year End banquet June 5th at the Hivve or make special arrangements.
Nomeca, Judging Sec.
Eligible Year End Prints 2019
by Susan Sheets | Apr 24, 2019 | Happenings

Our last Education Meeting for the season will include Slide Show presentations from members AND Randy White, local photographer extraordinaire, will be joining us for a 30-40 minute presentation.
Randy will be sharing “The three letter word that separates many of the top photographers from the “wanna bees”.
Especially landscape photographers.” and
“The most popular photographic tool, everyone has one, very few know how to use it to see better and to improve compositions.”
Come and enjoy a little entertainment and some learning too for our last Education meeting of the season!
by Susan Sheets | Apr 22, 2019 | Competition Results, Happenings, Print Winners
Two First Places
Quiet Sunrise Nomeca Hartwell
A typical beautiful and peaceful September sunrise taken 10 days before the end of my lookout ‘career’ though I didn’t know it at the time. I blended 2 bracketed shots to get the foreground and sky properly exposed and then took it from there with some luminosity masks and a little dodging to get the feeling right. Taken on a tripod with my Nikon D750 and the 24mm f1.8 lens at f/4, 1/640 sec., ISO 1600 ( manual settings), 2nd shot at 1/160 ( +2EV). Blended in LR, finished in PS.

If The Shoe Fits Dale George
This image was taken at the Pike Place Market in Seattle about 3 years ago. I was at the lower level and saw this “Shoe Museum” or others would call a tourist trap. I loved the nostalgic look and feel of it and had to have it.
Taken late day when the crowds had diminished. Used my trusty old Canon 5DMKIII and 24-70 Canon lens. No flash was used and I had it on a tripod. I took a 3 image bracketed set at ISO 2000, set on aperture priority, f/6.3 and average exposure of 1/50th sec. I usually set my bracketed sets at plus and minus 1 stop or slightly more. Blended in Photomatix and worked on in Lightroom. This still rates as one of my top ten favorite images of mine because of the nostalgic look.

Two Second Places
Aw Nuts Greg Smith

A Restful Place Cynthia Briseno

by Susan Sheets | Apr 20, 2019 | Happenings, Image of The Month
Image of The Month
Eyeing You
Russ Williamson

The subject is a Blue and Gold Macaw. This photo was taken with my Nikon camera, and a free standing flash with reflecting umbrella. The camera settings were F/16, 1/80 sec., ISO-200, and a focal length of 165mm in the 35mm format. The photo was sharpened, and cropped in Photoshop for showing on the club’s projector.
I’ve been a Caveman Camera Club member for the last twelve years and I’m currently assisting the club as the Electronic Image Coordinator. Photography has always interested me, and I enjoy seeing the images each month that the club members show.
Congratulations! Russ on a beautiful image. Look for Russ’s image in print in the Daily Courier.