by Susan Sheets | Aug 19, 2019 | Happenings
Our first meeting of the year and competition isn’t too far off! There is plenty happening behind the scenes as we get ready for the Club year. Judge training, fine tuning our electronic equipment, shuffling duties as we get ready for 2019-2020. There is a lot of information about judging and competitions under the Competition Tab here on the website. You can find our Monthly Assignments, Judging Video, Competition Rules and Guidelines and a printable PDF about preparing entries. Rules For Preparation of Entries for Caveman Camera ClubPreparing. This year our digital entries will be sent to Dave Church so don’t plug up Russ’s email box by mistake! Hope you all are out there shooting – I know I’m looking forward to the sharing. See you soon!

Photo by Cynthia Briseno
by Susan Sheets | Jul 25, 2019 | Happenings
It was only a month and half ago that we all got together for the Year End Celebration…..
Our fun evening at the Hive had plenty of laughs, amazing! food and a whole lot of good photography. Ozzie got some wonderful shots and I thought I’d share the photos of those who were recognized for their Outstanding Dedication and Service that President Jim Heern presented. These club members have sustained our club in so many ways and all of them for a good long while. We should applaud them each and every month! and Honorees Thank You once again! They are as seen in the photos below, Ozzie Cummins, Debbie Jallit, Greg Smith, Nomeca Hartwell, Jim Ingraham, Gene Rimmer, Russ Williamson, Sandi Williamson, and Darrell Stafford.

by Susan Sheets | Jul 25, 2019 | Happenings
Just a quick reminder that the deadline is July 31st for competition entries for the 4C’s Summer Quarterly Electronic Image Competition. You can access the 4C’s entry portal from the Competition tab right here on our website or visit the 4C’s website. Good luck!

by Susan Sheets | Jun 7, 2019 | Happenings
The board worked together this year to come up with the list for 2019-2020……and here they are!
Sept. Past It’s Prime ANYTHING, could be old, rusty, useless etc.
Oct. Road Scapes
Nov. Wings – of any sort
Dec. Juxtaposition – Two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect
Jan. Fog, mist or rain
Feb. Idioms expressed in photographs. Ex. It takes two to tango, Bite the bullet, Once in a blue moon, I’m all ears, You hit the nail on the head etc. You can google for more examples.
March Faceless portraits – please google this for ideas
April Color on color – only one color in different shades
May Four legs – of any sort
Start thinking and shooting. Assigned category images should be shot between June 2019 – and May 2020. The idea is to get you out there, experimenting and creating fresh ideas and images.
by Susan Sheets | May 26, 2019 | Happenings
The Year End judging is complete and the party plans are set. All we need is you! Don’t worry if you haven’t signed up yet just bring your five bucks and a dish to share and join in the celebration. Here’s the details. Looking forward to seeing everyone and having some time together to celebrate another year!
When: June 5th, 6pm – 9pm
Details: Our event will be POTLUCK – yum!! Bring a delicious dish and your favorite beverage. Alcohol is fine too.
Cost: $5.00 – to cover the cost of the room and supplies. What you don’t need to worry about: Dishware, silverware, cups and ice.
The Venue: Is the Hivve located at: 164 South East G St.
Grants Pass, OR 97526
As Jim H. says, “You gotta eat anyway, right?”. So start thinking about those special dishes and join us in our Year End Celebration!
by Susan Sheets | May 25, 2019 | Competition Results, Happenings, Print Winners
First Place
Himba Women Gene Rimmer

Second Place
The Master Calls Us Dale George

Four Third Places
I’m Part of The Cleanup Crew Cynthia Briseno

Early Email Dale George

Are You My Lunch Rose Christner

My Hummer Linda Bryant
(Image Not Yet Available)