December Image of the Month
Lookin’ Good
Photograph by Jim Heern
Congratulations! Jim on a beautiful image. Look for Jim’s image sometime soon in the Daily Courier.
Lookin’ Good
Photograph by Jim Heern
Congratulations! Jim on a beautiful image. Look for Jim’s image sometime soon in the Daily Courier.
Wednesday, November 20th, at 7 pm will be the monthly education meeting of the Caveman Camera Club. Everyone is welcome to attend. Dale George will be our teacher and presenter and the evenings subject will be ‘Macro’. See you there! There’s much to learn and plenty to see with Dale’s creative, inexpensive and extremely useful macro setup.
Photo by Dale George
Two First Places
A Pirates True Love Cynthia Briseno
Early Days Of Flight Dale George
This image was taken at Wright Patterson Air Force Museum, Dayton, Ohio. It is possibly the best air museum in the United States with 320 air crafts. This was shot with my Canon 5DMKIV and Canon 24-70 lens opened to 34 mm. It is a three shot HDR shot at f4, iso 6400, Oev, -1ev, +1ev, combined and tone mapped in Photomatix 60 and then light post work in LR.
Two First Places
High Desert Skies Ross Steensland
This photo was taken early Sept. in the Modoc National Forest. I light painted the foreground by brushing my flashlight beam across the scene from edge to edge to give the unique lighting on the grass. I then proceeded to light paint the junipers in the back separately. Finally, I took 7 sky images to stack for noise reduction. Foreground: f8, iso 1000, 4.5 min exposure blended in photoshop.
Jupiter and The Milky Way Susan Sheets
The Milky Way and Jupiter shot at Secret Beach in September was a very nice evening to remember and shoot. Cloudless skies, good company, no wind and warm temps! 15 sec., iso 6400, f2.8
Four Second Places
Cougar Stride Bobette Heern
Fall 2019 Cynthia Briseno
Black Wolf Jim Heern
Serene Sunset Ross Steensland
First Place
Brother Elias, Sister Ester Dale George
This is a single shot setup in my garage with a black cloth backdrop, illuminated at the top from both corners with red LED lights. It is lit with 2 Canon strobes about 2 feet off the ground in front and at an angle towards either side. It is shot at 70mm, f5, iso 6400 with a Canon 5DMKIV. Post processed in LR and On1 Effects using a small amount of detail extractor, and glamour glow. The faces were lightened and clarity added for effect.
Two Second Places
The Runup Greg Smith
You Handsome Devil Jim Heern