by Debbie Jallit | Sep 28, 2020 | Happenings
Photo by Debbie Jallit
Hi Camera Club Members;
The Caveman Camera Club will continue to hold on-line ZOOM judging,critiquing, and competition for October.
The judging/scoring will be done in advance of the ZOOM meeting by judges at home. The scores will be announced, and critiquing will happen at the live ZOOM meeting, which will be on Wednesday, October 7 at 7:00 pm. All members will receive a ZOOM Invitation prior to the meeting.
This month’s competition will be electronic only. You will be allowed to submit up to four images in three categories: OPEN, ASSIGNED, AND ALTERED REALITY. Altered Reality is defined as “Depicting photographic subjects in a substantial departure from realism. This may be accomplished through control of content, the photographic process, or post processing”.
As your projectionist, I am responsible for collecting the photos you submit, and putting them together for the competition. I hope many members decide to participate. We are looking forward to this opportunity to continue honing our photographic skills during these difficult times of isolation.
1. You can enter up to four images. They can all be open category, or all in the assigned category, or all in the Altered Realty category, or you can enter in each category.
2. The assigned category for October is “Black and White”. Assigned category photos must have been taken after May 13, 2020. See Club website for more information: competitions
3. The image must be in the jpg format. Color space should be “sRGB”
4. The image file size must not be larger than 4 megabytes. Note, this is an increase from last year.
5. Each image submitted must be properly named as shown here. CAVE is the proper abbreviation for the Club. Do not use CCC.
This is the file naming format: FirstnameLastname_CAVE_TitleofImage.jpg
Example 1: JohnDoe_CAVE_PrettyFlower.jpg
Example 2: JaneSmith_CAVE_SeaScape.jpg
6. Email the photos to David Church <davidch…>
7. In your email, be sure to identify whether the image(s) are in the “Open”, “Assigned” or “Altered Realty” category. Also, only three critiques per person will be done at the ZOOM meeting. Specify “NO” for any image you choose not to have critiqued.
8. Your annual Club dues must be paid in order to compete in October.
Dave Church
CCC Secretary and Projectionist
by Susan Sheets | Sep 22, 2020 | EID Winners, Happenings
First Place
A Prayer Cynthia Briseno
My girlfriend and I went camping, and did some antique shopping in Brookings. During the camping we were allowed to have a fire (of course way before these fires!), and I used my crystal ball to shoot the fire. We spoke about Halloween and decided on this year’s planning, so on the way home, we went into the redwoods. I was inspired by the red items we had purchased, and asked her to step into the forest for the shot. Once home, I made a composite of the ball and her shot. It’s the beginning of my favorite time of year – WITCHY HALLOWEEN!!
This photo was shot with my Canon Mark IV, with a Sigma 24-70 lens. Settings were ISO 250, F8.0,1/4 second.

Second Place
Into The Night Ross Steensland

Third Place
Leaving Wonderland Julie Padgett

by Susan Sheets | Sep 22, 2020 | EID Winners, Happenings
First Place
Thor’s Well Jim Ingraham
This image of Thors Well was taken at sunset in the spring. Exposure data was 1.3 second at f16 and ISO 400. Lens was a 24-70 at 30 mm on a Nikon D810. The idea is to photograph here when the tides are about half way in or out. Too high and you’ll get wet and risk losing your camera, too low and the water will not reach the hole. Even so, sneaker waves have taken many cameras and lenses from unsuspecting photographers.

Second Place
Lake Shastina Nomeca Hartwell

Third Place
Hummer Traffic Cop Rose Christner

Three Honorable Mentions
Marvine Lake Jim Ingraham

Snail Trail Bridget Cline

There’s A Bee There Isn’t There Rose Christner

by Susan Sheets | Sep 22, 2020 | EID Winners, Happenings
Assigned Category – Abandoned
First Place
The Shell Station Jim Ingraham
This image is a light painting blend of about 4 or 5 images. For the main light source, I taped two small l.e.d. lights on a painters pole, extended it to about 15 feet and photographed for 30 second exposures. 2 or 3 images from the left for main light, one from the right for fill light. The Shell pump had its own light source so that was a separate exposure. I stood behind the station for one exposure to get some glow around the truck and structure. And one exposure to paint a little light inside the structure.
Nikon D850, Sigma 14-24 lens at 18 mm.

Second Place
Retired Truck Ross Steensland

Third Place
The Original Tiny House Jim Ingraham

Honorable Mention
Abandoned In The Smoke And Fire Of Time Ozzie Cummins

by Susan Sheets | Sep 22, 2020 | Happenings, Image of The Month
A Prayer
Photograph by Cynthia Briseno
Cynthia writes about her image:
My girlfriend and I went camping, and did some antique shopping in Brookings. During the camping we were allowed to have a fire (of course way before these fires!), and I used my crystal ball to shoot the fire. We spoke about Halloween and decided on this year’s planning, so on the way home, we went into the redwoods. I was inspired by the red items we had purchased, and asked her to step into the forest for the shot. Once home, I made a composite of the ball and her shot. It’s the beginning of my favorite time of year – WITCHY HALLOWEEN!!
This photo was shot with my Canon Mark IV, with a Sigma 24-70 lens. Settings were ISO 250, F8.0,1/4 second.

Cynthia Briseno
Congratulations! Cynthia on a beautiful image. Look for Cynthia’s image in the Daily Courier sometime very soon!
by Susan Sheets | Sep 3, 2020 | Happenings
Yes it is! What? Our first Competition of the 2020-2021 Year. Where? On Zoom of course, 7pm. Members please look for that Zoom invite from Dave Church in the near future and make sure to get your images to Dave by Fri. Sept. 11th. Speaking of membership, don’t forget to pay those dues by Oct. 7th! at the latest! Find our Treasurer Bridget Cline’s address under the Membership Tab so you can send in your check…and thank you!
The key to this year’s changes in addition to being on Zoom is the number 4! This year you can enter 4 images in three different categories AND we will accept images up to 4MB in size. Please see CLUB COMPETITIONS>>>scroll down past the Judging Info and you will find the new changes are reflected in BOLD TYPE.
Hope to see you soon! If you have Zoom questions or anything else please feel free to reach out to a board member. There will be photography! :0).

Photo by Cynthia Briseno