by Debbie Jallit | Oct 24, 2020 | Happenings

Photo by Debbie Jallit
Hi Camera Club Members;
The Caveman Camera Club will continue to hold on-line ZOOM judging, critiquing, and competition for November.
The judging/scoring will be done in advance of the ZOOM meeting by judges at home. The scores will be announced, and critiquing will happen at the live ZOOM meeting, which will be on Wednesday, November 4 at 7:00 pm. All members will receive a ZOOM Invitation prior to the meeting.
This month’s competition will be electronic only. You will be allowed to submit up to four images in three categories: OPEN, ASSIGNED, AND ALTERED REALITY. Altered Reality is defined as “Depicting photographic subjects in a substantial departure from realism. This may be accomplished through control of content, the photographic process, or post processing”.
As your projectionist, I am responsible for collecting the photos you submit, and putting them together for the competition. I hope many members decide to participate. We are looking forward to this opportunity to continue honing our photographic skills during these difficult times of isolation.
1. For Image size, we are returning to the 4C’s standard:
Image File Size Requirements:
2 Megabyte (2,000 KB) is the maximum file size allowed.
1050 pixels is the maximum vertical (top to bottom) dimension allowed.
1400 pixels is the maximum horizontal (left to right) dimension allowed.
2. The calendar window for shooting “Assigned Images” has been increased. Assigned category photos must have been taken after January 1, 2020 (previously May 13, 2020). The assigned category for November is “Flowers”.
3. You can enter up to four images. They can all be open category, or all in the assigned category, or all in the Altered Realty category, or you can enter in each category.
4. The image must be in the jpg format. Color space should be “sRGB”
5. Each image submitted must be properly named as shown here. CAVE is the proper abbreviation for the Club. Do not use CCC.
This is the file naming format: FirstnameLastname_CAVE_TitleofImage.jpg
Example 1: JohnDoe_CAVE_PrettyFlower.jpg
Example 2: JaneSmith_CAVE_SeaScape.jpg
6. Email the photos to David Church <davidch…>
7. In your email, be sure to identify whether the image(s) are in the “Open”, “Assigned” or “Altered Realty” category. Also, only three critiques per person will be done at the ZOOM meeting. Specify “NO” for any image you choose not to have critiqued.
8. Your annual Club dues must be paid in order to compete in November.
9. See our Competition Rules on this Website under competitions.
I hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions, please email, text or call me. Cell Phone is 541-441-7925
Dave Church
CCC Secretary and Projectionist
by Debbie Jallit | Oct 10, 2020 | Happenings, Image of The Month
Photograph by Julie Padgett
Julie writes about her image:
My image of Amy has a fun back story. She contacted me via Instagram in June 2020 wanting to collaborate on a photoshoot. She is a model and photographer who travelled here from Colorado and set up photoshoot plans while visiting here. We photographed the begining of July locally, in the Redwoods, and at the Coast. It was a fun collaboration with great energy.
The following is my data for this image: Nikon Z6, lens 70 to 200, 1/250 sec at f2.8, 140 mm, ISO 500.

Congratulations, Julie, on a great photo! Look for her winning image to be featured in the Daily Courier very soon!

Julie Padgett
by Debbie Jallit | Oct 10, 2020 | EID Winners, Happenings
First Place
Infernal Flame by Ross Steensland
While traveling along Rock Creek road within the Archie Creek Fire, it felt like an otherworldly area. Looking through the dense smoke I could see nothing but ash and silhouettes of what were once large trees. One broken stump was still burning while spitting sparks into the air.
I shot 4 images of the scene and blended them for noise reduction and to capture more flying sparks.
Canon 6D mkII Tamron24-70mm f2.8 1/60 sec, f2.8, iso 1600 X4

Second Place
Hallucinating Hummer by Rose Christner

by Debbie Jallit | Oct 10, 2020 | EID Winners, Happenings
First Place
Morning In Teton Valley by Rudy Dierks
I shot this image from about a thousand yards in front of the barn using a 400mm lens. I wanted to bring the mountains in close to show how grand they really are. This spot is near Jackson Hole. Just follow the crowd any early morning in the Fall.

Second Place
Fly Portrait by Dale George

Third Place (tie)
Wizard’s Hat Milky Way by Larry Pollock

Third Place (tie)
Into the Vast by Ross Steensland

Three Honorable Mentions
Reflections by Cynthia Briseno

Moonset by Judy Cox

Stars In Her Eyes by Nomeca Hartwell

by Debbie Jallit | Oct 10, 2020 | EID Winners, Happenings
Assigned Category – Black and White
First Place (tie)
Amy by Julie Padgett
My image of Amy has a fun back story. She contacted me via Instagram in June 2020 wanting to collaborate on a photoshoot. She is a model and photographer who travelled here from Colorado and set up photoshoot plans while visiting here. We photographed the begining of July locally, in the Redwoods, and at the Coast. It was a fun collaboration with great energy. The following is my data for this image: Nikon Z6, lens 70 to 200, 1/250 sec at f2.8, 140 mm, ISO 500.

First Place (tie)
Can You Read My Mind by Rudy Dierks
This image was taken last June at a friends cat sanctuary. It was shot at a distance of about 20 ft. with a 24/70mm lens at f8 -1/320. I shot about 30 images to get this handsome beast at his best.

First Place (tie)
Lilies by Julie Padgett

First Place (tie)
Escence Of A Wild Flower by Ozzie Cummins

Second Place
Rocky Mountain Light by Jim Ingraham

Third Place
Lizzy by Julie Padgett

Eight Honorable Mentions
Circles and Curves by Bridget Cline

Bandon at Minus Tide by Larry Pollock

Buck in Velvet by Ozzie Cummins

Free Spirit by Pam Arbogast

Reflection of Love by Rose Christner

Dogwood by Ozzie Cummins

Hills & Wheels by Bridget Cline

Forest Primeval by Ozzie Cummins

by Susan Sheets | Oct 2, 2020 | Happenings
Hey Camera Club members and Facebook friends!
The Club board had it’s monthly meeting last night and made some important decisions/plans we wanted to let you know about.
We’re planning a light painting field trip for our Education night on October 21st. Be looking for details from Jim Ingraham about time and location and “how to” tips in the Google group list/and or on this page.
Our September ZOOM competition was a success. Wonderful images, and everyone in the meeting was able to be involved in offering comments and critique. So much good teaching and learning. We need more of you to join us though! It’s pretty easy. If you need mentoring or support in how to use ZOOM, just message me (Pam Thompson Arbogast), and I’ll hook you up with a mentor.
To encourage more of you to join up or pay up, and in recognition of the difficult circumstances some are facing with Covid restrictions, we are reducing membership prices for this year. $20 dollars for an individual membership, or $35 for family membership. Membership entitles you to enter competitions, attend field trips, and access individualized mentoring. Payment can be made by check made out to Caveman Camera Club, and mailed to Treasurer Bridget Cline at 1127 NE 9th St., Grants Pass, 97526
If you’ve already paid at the regular price of $35 individual or $50 family, you can request a refund through Bridget, or just consider it a donation.
Take advantage of our wonderful fall weather and colors and get out there and shoot! Post by Pam Arbogast, Membership Coordinator
Photo by Ozzie Cummins