December 2020 Image Of The Month
Thirsty Hummer
Photograph by Rose Christner
Rose writes about her image:
Congratulations! Rose on a beautiful image. Look for Rose’s image to be featured soon in the Daily Courier.
Thirsty Hummer
Photograph by Rose Christner
Rose writes about her image:
Congratulations! Rose on a beautiful image. Look for Rose’s image to be featured soon in the Daily Courier.
Just a quick reminder… We hope you’ll join us Wed. Dec. 2nd on Zoom for our December competition. Meet our new members and join in the critiques as we learn from one another.
Look for the Zoom invite from David Church soon !
The Assigned category is Rain.
Photo by Pam Arbogast
Two First Places
Grosvenor’s Arch Trails Larry Pollock
Melted Pam Arbogast
This image was taken at a used car lot on Highway 99 in Phoenix, Oregon, after the destruction from the Almeda fire. When I saw the cars, I wasn’t even sure if it had been a car lot or a junk yard, as the vehicles were melted and crumpled from the intense heat of the fire. While adjusting the tone curve in Lightroom, I accidentally stretched the curve in a way that distorted the colors. I liked the way it looked, so rather than undoing my mistake, I went with it, and added further edits. Shot with a Canon 7D, 70-200 lens at 110, f9.5, 1/180 sec, ISO 125.
First Place
The Gates Of Hell Dale George
Second Place
September Stars Nomeca Hartwell
Three Third Places
Burning Bush Bridget Cline
Spring Storm Susan Sheets
Run On Water Jim Ingraham
Four Honorable Mentions
Awaiting Restoration Dale George
Who Won The Election Dave Bell
Adorable Mischief Nomeca Hartwell
Lensball Sunset Rose Christner
First Place
Mirrored Orchid Rose Christner
After over 3 hours and 100 or more shots and cleaning up a messy set-up on the kitchen table, I finally decided on this shot. I used a black velvet cloth background and a large mirror and a spray bottle of water. I used a tripod so as not to have camera shake and a clicker for my unsteady hand. The lighting I used was about as unprofessional as you can get…flashlights 😉 . Shot at F 5.6, 1/30, ISO 320 with my 18-135 lens and my Canon EOS R.
Second Place
Lilly Exploration Susan Sheets
Third Place
Fall Blooms Debbie Jallit
Seven Honorable Mentions
Busy Bee Debbie Jallit
Rainy Day Dogwood Ozzie Cummins
Sparkling Dahlia Suzi Pratt
Rock Succulent Ozzie Cummins
Summer Sunflower Rose Christner
Wild Flower Ozzie Cummins
Threesome Gladiolus Rose Christner
Grosvenor’s Arch Trails
Photograph by Larry Pollock
Larry writes about this image:
Grosvenor Arch is approximately 30 miles east of Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah. It is in a remote area accessed by a dirt road.
I love shooting in the extremes of light. This image required taking the foreground image just after dark in the blue hour. The stars were captured over a 75 minute period and 305 images just after the first image.
Shot on a Fuji X-T3
Foreground: 1.3sec at f/9, 16mm, ISO 200
Stars: 10sec, f/2.8, 16mm, ISO 10,000
Congratulations! Larry on a beautiful image. Look for Larry’s image to be featured soon in the Daily Courier.