by Debbie Jallit | Nov 4, 2021 | Happenings, Image of The Month
Bandon Sharks
Photograph by Susan Sheets

Susan writes about her image:
This was shot in Bandon at the beginning of October on an evening with rough seas. It’s a long exposure at 5 seconds just after the sunset. The photo was taken with an Olympus E-M1 Mark III at 36mm, f/14, ISO 250.
Congratulations, Susan, on your beautiful image! Look for Susan’s image soon in the Daily Courier!
by Debbie Jallit | Nov 4, 2021 | EID Winners, Happenings
First Place
Bandon Sharks Susan Sheets

Second Place
After The Party’s Over Jim Ingraham

Third Place (Tie)
Boundary Rose Christner Dispute

Watching The Watcher Dale George

Honorable Mention (Tie x6)
Leprechaun Graduation Class of 2020 Dale George

Cape Argo Larry Pollock

Aspens In Breckenridge Jim Ingraham

Hopping Waves At Sunset Jim Ingraham

Winter Solitude Pam Arbogast

Reflections On Winter Jim Ingraham

by Debbie Jallit | Nov 4, 2021 | EID Winners, Happenings
First Place (Tie)
Freeform Light Painting Dale George

Starbuck’s Joe Ozzie Cummins

Second Place
Always in Motion Bridget Cline

Third Place (Tie)
Rocks A Blur Julie Padgett

Pine Siskin Invasion Judy Cox

Honorable Mention (Tie x 4)
Swirling Larry Pollock

Running Toward The Light Pam Arbogast

Streaking Through The Night Bridget Cline

Zooming Minnie Russ Williamson

by Susan Sheets | Nov 2, 2021 | Happenings
Hi Everyone,
Are you ready for some experiments in lighting? As a precursor to a bigger Lighting Ed. Night in January we are hoping you might be game to first try some things on your own at home. This will help us all to focus in January. …also it’s wet and Covid and Thanksgiving is soon.
The brief:
Shoot a subject of your choice and light it with one light source as well as at least one reflector or bounce card. You can use a diffusor with your light source if you like to “soften” the shadows. Think about the end result and how you go about creating the light you want to see on the subject.
This is about “seeing the light”. It helps you in all other types of photography as well. The lighting source can be a lamp, a speed light, or window light. But, a bounce card / reflector should also be used to fill in the shadows and dark areas. You can use more than one bounce card / reflector. These can be commercial reflectors, foam core, white cardboard, or pieces of white paper. Diffusors can be commercial made, a shower curtain, fabric, etc.
You can choose any subject you like. If you feel like creating an idiom which was fun last year, feel free if that gets your juices going. Ex. The Cat’s Out Of the Bag etc. or make a small still life, whatever you like. The learning focus is on the light and using it as a tool to enhance your image.
We will meet at Newman United Methodist Church, 132 NE B St, Grants Pass, OR 97526. Use the below-ground side entrance, there is parking on the this side as well.
We will share and enjoy the images together and talk about the challenges and answer questions etc. You have until SUNDAY NOV. 14th to get your images to Dave Church…use our competition parameters for sizing.
Above all, have fun! Cheers, Susan and Larry

Photo by Jim Ingraham
by Susan Sheets | Oct 29, 2021 | Happenings
MIDNIGHT Fri Oct. 29th is the deadline for entering images.
The Caveman Camera Club will start to hold in-person meetings for November! We will be at our new location, The Newman United Methodist Church, 132 NE B Street, Grants Pass, 97526. Masks will be required.
The judging/scoring will continue to be done in advance of the meeting by judges at home. The scores will be announced, and critiquing will happen at the in-person meeting, which will be on Wednesday, November 3 at 7:00 pm.
For this first in-person month, competition will be electronic only with no prints. You will be allowed to submit up to four images in three categories: TRADITIONAL, ASSIGNED, AND ALTERED REALITY. For information about categories and how to place your photos in the correct category, please see the Club Website under the competition Tab.
The Assigned category is: Motion Blur See you soon!
by Debbie Jallit | Oct 7, 2021 | Happenings, Image of The Month
Misty Stars Over Elephant Rock
Photograph by Nomeca Hartwell

Nomeca writes about her image:
This Bandon Beach shot nearly didn’t happen as first the moon and then the rising and falling mist interfered with getting a clean shot of the Milky Way. In fact, my shooting companion had already thrown in the towel, taken a warm shower and was resting in bed when I phoned her up and said it might be possible to get a decent shot if she hurried back out. ( she did much to my surprise). Those few minutes were all that we had and I succeeded in getting the 4 shots I needed before the mist closed in for good for the night. Nikon D750, 24mm lens, f/2.2 and 15 secs at ISO 3200 on a tripod.
I have been a member of the camera club for many years and enjoy the field trips, the photo challenges, and sharing the photo journeys’ of the many excellent photographers who pass through our doors.
Congratulations, Nomeca, on your beautiful image! Look for Nomeca’s image soon in the Daily Courier!