Photo of the Month November 2022
Creative Kid by Pam Arbogast

Congratulations! Pam on a beautiful image. Look for Pam’s image in the Daily Courier soon.
Creative Kid by Pam Arbogast
Congratulations! Pam on a beautiful image. Look for Pam’s image in the Daily Courier soon.
We will be sending our images off early to PSA, (Photographic Society of America), for judging. Though the competition is for our Nov. 2nd meeting the deadline is Oct. 16th. Please see Dave’s email below for details. The Assigned category is “Vice”.
1. For Image size, we use the 4C’s standard: Improperly sized images will be returned to the maker for correction.
Image File Size Requirements:
2. The image must be in the jpg format. Color space should be “sRGB”
3. You can submit up to three images. They can all be in the Traditional Category, or all in the Assigned Category, or all in the Altered Realty Category, or you can submit in each category.
4. Assigned Category photos must have been taken after May 15, 2022. The Assigned Category theme for November is “Vice”.
5. Each image submitted must be properly named as shown here. “WILD” is the proper abbreviation for the Club.
This is the file naming format: FirstnameLastname_WILD_TitleofImage.jpg
Example 1: JohnDoe_WILD_PrettyFlower.jpg
Example 2: JaneSmith_WILD_SeaScape.jpg
6. Email the photos to David Church <davidchurch412@gmail.com
7. In your email, be sure to identify whether the image(s) are in the “Traditional”, “Assigned” or “Altered Realty” category.
8. You can visit the Club website for more definitions of the categories, or to get general information. https://www.wildriversphotography.club
9. Your annual Club dues should be paid in order to submit.
I hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions, please email, text or call me. Cell Phone is 541-441-7925
Thanks, Dave Church
First Place
Aphrodite by Bridget Cline
Bridget writes about her photo: This is a composite of two separate images. The subject was taken at the beginning of September 2022 while on a shoot in Arizona, and the mirror was taken at the end of September 2022 at my home. I use a Nikon Z6 to capture my images. The subject image was taken with a 50mm lens and the mirror was taken using a 24-70mm lens. I then put the images together in Photoshop.
Second Place
Coins by Russ Williamson
Third Place
Candle by Stephen Anderson
Four Honorable Mentions
The View by Larry Pollock
A Sip in the Desert by Lynda Rodig
Bee Reflection by Russ Williamson
The Fig by Bridget Cline
Aphrodite by Bridget Cline
Bridget writes about her photo: This is a composite of two separate images. The subject was taken at the beginning of September 2022 while on a shoot in Arizona, and the mirror was taken at the end of September 2022 at my home. I use a Nikon Z6 to capture my images. The subject image was taken with a 50mm lens and the mirror was taken using a 24-70mm lens. I then put the images together in Photoshop.
Congratulations Bridget! on a beautiful image. Please look for Bridget’s photograph in the Daily Courier soon!
“Creating Composition Out of Chaos” join the Wild Rivers Photography Club for our Education evening, 7pm-9pm at Newman United Methodist Church on Oct. 19th. Visitors welcome! We will explore Composition with six different photographers including Ashland photographer Sean Bagshaw. We will be viewing a replay of a webinar put on by Out Of Chicago. This webinar has something for every photographer wherever you may be in your photographic journey. Time for discussion and TIPS will follow.
Send up to 3 images to Dave to share for comments, critiques or just to share. This would include your Assigned entry or entries. Any combination is fine. The Assigned category is “Mirror Reflection” and members will vote for the best Assigned shot.
Deadline is Sunday Oct. 2nd to get your entries to Dave.
Prints: Please send Dave a digital copy of what you print ( let him know it’s a print), so we can all see it projected during discussion. Don’t forget to bring your actual print ! Backing for the big ones is helpful. Any subject is fine. See you soon.
See Dave’s email or the website for entry details.