Jan. and Feb. Dates to remember…..
Please check the calendar of events for detailed information on upcoming educational events, competitions and photo sharing.

Please check the calendar of events for detailed information on upcoming educational events, competitions and photo sharing.
Our education Night will take place downtown. We will start earlier at 6pm and meet at the Haul parking lot on H street between 5th and 6th. Take some time before Wed. to think of a camera setting or mode or lens or focal length you’d like to explore. Try out something new is the challenge as we stroll the festive downtown streets. Hot chocolate or beer afterwards??, sounds good to me!
First Place
Leaves At Home #2 by Susan Sheets
Second Place
Harris Beach by Stephen Anderson
First Place
Dragonfly and Corn by Larry Pollock
Second Place
Pastels of Autumn by Bridget Cline
Three Third Place
Wings Over Grants Pass by Lynda Rodig
Early Fall Morning by Ozzie Cummins
Drop On Leaf On Pond by Jim Ingraham
Three Honrable Mentions
Yellow And More by Susan Sheets
Low Water Bridges Autumn by Ozzie Cummins
Beginning And The End by Lynda Rodig
Dragonfly and Corn by Larry Pollock
Larry writes about his image:
Dragonfly and Corn was created in my small photo studio using two light, and a black glass table with a black backdrop. I found the dragonfly a few months ago dead on our patio. Fully intact, I had been saving it for some photography. Having some dried corn from our holiday decorations seemed the perfect match as the dragonfly had the same colors. I used the corn as a leading line to bring the eye to the dragonfly. The intentional blur on the corn helps do the same thing. Editing was done in Capture One and Photoshop, removing lots of small dust specs on the glass and refining the image.
Camera: Fuji X-T4, Lens: Fujinon XF16-55mm f/2.8 R LM WR.
Settings: 1/60th second, f/10, ISO 400, 50mm.
Congratulations Larry! on a beautiful image. Look for Larry’s image soon in the Daily Courier.
Join us at 6pm in The Haul parking lot in downtown Grants Pass for a fun photowalk.
Try something new on your camera, like multi shot, panning, bracketing or other techniques. Or, shoot with a prime lens, shoot black and white or other in camera filter. If you really want to narrow your editing options and preserve that filter look, record to your memory card using .jpg instead of RAW.
You can join up with another photographer and learn from each other, or simply just enjoy being out and about with a camera.
This last event of 2022 will happen as long as the weather cooperates.
121 SW H St
Grants Pass, Oregon US