This image of Thors Well was taken at sunset in the spring. Exposure data was 1.3 second at f16 and ISO 400. Lens was a 24-70 at 30 mm on a Nikon D810. The idea is to photograph here when the tides are about half way in or out. Too high and you’ll get wet and risk losing your camera, too low and the water will not reach the hole. Even so, sneaker waves have taken many cameras and lenses from unsuspecting photographers.
This image is a light painting blend of about 4 or 5 images. For the main light source, I taped two small l.e.d. lights on a painters pole, extended it to about 15 feet and photographed for 30 second exposures. 2 or 3 images from the left for main light, one from the right for fill light. The Shell pump had its own light source so that was a separate exposure. I stood behind the station for one exposure to get some glow around the truck and structure. And one exposure to paint a little light inside the structure.
Nikon D850, Sigma 14-24 lens at 18 mm.
Second Place
Retired Truck Ross Steensland
Third Place
The Original Tiny House Jim Ingraham
Honorable Mention
Abandoned In The Smoke And Fire Of Time Ozzie Cummins
Woods pup was taken last fall after a long day working in the woods. I saw my coworker’s puppy playing with big brown maple leaves while the last rays of golden light came down. I was inspired to capture such a picturesque scene and thus began the process of trying to get a hyper puppy to sit still.
The photo was taken with a Canon 6DmkII and a Canon 70-200mm f2.8 lens. Camera settings were f4, 1/500 sec @ 140mm
This photograph was taken in mid-March, 2020, in Torres Del Paine National Park, in Chilean Patagonia. It was the day of our much anticipated arrival at the park, after two weeks exploring wine country, and the lakes district in Chile. My husband and I had spent many hours in our rental car, driving to the park, and were eager to get out, hike, and photograph this amazing place. This hike especially had been recommended to us because the famously fierce Patagonian winds were NOT blowing on this particular afternoon. I shot this photo as we finished our hike and the evening glow lit up the wall next to Los Cuernos (The Horns). I saw these mountains several more times in our remaining four days in the park, but this was the most beautiful view. Unfortunately, we had to cut our trip short by a day as the park closed due to measures to control the spread of corona virus. Canon 7D. 24-70 Canon lens at 33m, ISO 400, f9.5, 1/125