Education Night is May 20th, 7pm – on Zoom with Larry Pollock

Education Night is May 20th, 7pm – on Zoom with Larry Pollock

Getting Started with Fill Light

Enhance your portraits and landscape images using simple techniques from inexpensive bounce cards to speed lights and strobes.

This introduction to the basics will help you get more out of your time shooting images. This is the introduction Larry usually does at the beginning of his in person workshop on Lighting Basics.

The goal is to give you a foundation for exploring the world of fill light and give you practical information on understanding light, simple to more complex tools, and things you can do to practice.

We all have to start somewhere….

Zoom Meeting

May 20, 2020
Approximately 1 hour

The ZOOM invite will come via the Club email. Dave Church will send it out a couple of days before the meeting.  If you have Zoom questions feel free to contact any board member…once you give it go it’s quite easy and entertaining ;0)

Year End Print Judging and Collection

Year End Prints

In an effort to do our usual Year End ‘rejudging’ we are making a few changes for your print submittals.

Bring this year’s print winners ( Honorable Mentions and all 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Winners) to Cynthia Briseno’s house located at 793 NW 4th St. by May 25th. She will have a box of some sort near her front door to put them in. You can reach her at 541-507-7403 , also 541-507-1000 if you have any questions.

Be certain your prints and print protectors are fully labeled and  have the same title that it won with (“untitled”causes too much confusion) .

Use the attached emailed list as a reminder of which prints are eligible.

Prints should be picked up at the Year End picnic June 17th at Indian Mary Park,  or make other arrangements.

More info will be forthcoming on the Year End Picnic in another email .

Nomeca Hartwell,

Judging Sec.

Eligible prints for Year End 2020  

May 13th is Competition Night

May 13th is Competition Night

Just in case you missed it in the Group email….   Be there or be square or something!

Photo by Jim Heern

Hi All;

Just an update.  We will be having a May competition on Zoom.  It will be held on May 13.  The regular email with all the details will be going out to members next Tuesday, and the deadline for photos will be midnight, May 10.

Dave Church
Secretary and Projectionist.


April 2020 Digital Winners – Open Category

April 2020 Digital Winners – Open Category

First Place

Cuernos Glow    Pam Arbogast

This photograph was taken in mid-March, 2020, in Torres Del Paine National Park, in Chilean Patagonia. It was the day of our much anticipated arrival at the park, after two weeks exploring wine country, and the lakes district in Chile. My husband and I had spent many hours in our rental car, driving to the park, and were eager to get out, hike, and photograph this amazing place. This hike especially had been recommended to us because the famously fierce Patagonian winds were NOT blowing on this particular afternoon. I shot this photo as we finished our hike and the evening glow lit up the wall next to Los Cuernos (The Horns). I saw these mountains several more times in our remaining four days in the park, but this was the most beautiful view. Unfortunately, we had to cut our trip short by a day as the park closed due to measures to control the spread of corona virus. Canon 7D. 24-70 Canon lens at 33m, ISO 400, f9.5, 1/125

Six Second Places

Otter Pilot    Bobette Heern

Night of the Iquana    Jim Heern

Dawn    Nomeca Hartwell

Moody Walk    Bridget Cline

Pondering Panda    Jim Heern

The Lone Scrub Jay    Rose Christner


Nine Third Places

Lunar Silhouette    Greg Smith

Whiskey Creek    Russ Williamson

Nature’s Detail    Greg Smith

Redwood Rhododendrons    Jim Ingraham

Peek a Boo Vervets    Nomeca Hartwell

Watery Courtship    Greg Smith

Prepare for Takeoff    Jim Heern

Wrinkles    Nomeca Hartwell

A Little Bit of OZ    Susan Sheets