September 2020 Image of the Month

September 2020 Image of the Month

A Prayer

Photograph by Cynthia Briseno

Cynthia writes about her image:

My girlfriend and I went camping, and did some antique shopping in Brookings.   During the camping we were allowed to have a fire (of course way before these fires!), and I used my crystal ball to shoot the fire.  We spoke about Halloween and decided on this year’s planning, so on the way home, we went into the redwoods. I was inspired by the red items we had purchased, and asked her to step into the forest for the shot.  Once home, I made a composite of the ball and her shot.  It’s the beginning of my favorite time of year – WITCHY HALLOWEEN!!

This photo was shot with my Canon Mark IV, with a Sigma 24-70 lens.  Settings were ISO 250, F8.0,1/4 second.


Cynthia Briseno

Congratulations! Cynthia on a beautiful image.  Look for Cynthia’s image in the Daily Courier sometime very soon!

September 16th – It’s Going To Happen!

September 16th – It’s Going To Happen!

Yes it is!  What?  Our first Competition of the 2020-2021 Year.  Where?  On Zoom of course, 7pm.  Members please look for that Zoom invite from Dave Church in the near future and make sure to get your images to Dave by Fri. Sept. 11th.  Speaking of membership, don’t forget to pay those dues by Oct. 7th!  at the latest!  Find our Treasurer  Bridget Cline’s address under the Membership Tab so you can send in your check…and thank you!

The key to this year’s changes in addition to being on Zoom is the number 4! This year you can enter 4 images in three different categories AND we will accept images up to  4MB in size.  Please see CLUB COMPETITIONS>>>scroll down past the Judging Info and you will find the new changes are reflected in BOLD TYPE.

Hope to see you soon!  If you have Zoom questions or anything else please feel free to reach out to a board member.  There will be photography! :0).

Photo by Cynthia Briseno

September 2nd ! Mark your Calendars

September 2nd ! Mark your Calendars

Our first Meeting is on Sept. 2nd on Zoom at 7pm. You will receive a Zoom invite from Dave Church via our club email. The purpose of this first meeting is a chance to say HI! again to one another and also to get comfortable with Zoom. It will be part chaos and part fun no doubt. Jim Ingraham and Dave Church will walk us through the nuts and bolts.  There are simple tools that make the experience much more enjoyable for all if we all follow some simple steps…mostly being patient and not talking over one another. The second half we thought we’d try screen sharing (which is pretty dang easy).  If you have a few images, or a video or anything else photo related that you’d like to share we’ll try it!  A fun theme could be “What I did or did not! do over the summer”. For ex. I ended up shooting quite a few birds this summer and thought I’d share a few of those.

****After the Sept. meetings we will revert to Competition on the first Wed. and Education on the second Wed.*****

Hope to see you there!  Susan

Photograph by Pam Arbogast

Assigned Photo Subjects for 2020-2021

Assigned Photo Subjects for 2020-2021

Hi All,

The votes are in – what an interesting process to see.  Apologies from me for taking so long to get this out!  It’s time to start shooting NOW for the coming year. Assigned subjects are shot after May 2020 through May 2021.  The idea is to get everyone out shooting and trying new things. A fresh year of photo experimentation and focus.
Sept.  – Abandoned
Oct.   -Black and White
Nov.  -Flowers (we’ll need that in Nov. ;0) )
Dec. -Rain   (we’ll have that in Dec.)
Jan.   -City Lights/ Holiday lights 
Feb.  -Curves
March  -Still Life
April   -Light and Shadow
May  – Architecture
Please find this list in two places on the Website under:  Club Competitions and About Us>Meetings.
Thanks everyone for participating! Happy Shooting.
photo by Susan Sheets