January 2021 Image Of The Month

January 2021 Image Of The Month

“General Store”

Photograph by Dale George

Dale writes about this image:

“General Store” was taken in Central Oregon at Fort Rock after sunset. It is a 3 image HDR combined in Photomatix, tone mapped, and some other tweaks before converting it to black and white in Silver Efex Pro 2.
The nuts and bolts….average exposure time .5 seconds, f/6.3 using my old Canon 5DMKIII and 24-70mm lens.

Dale George

Congratulations! Dale on a beautiful image.  Look for Dale’s image to be featured soon in the Daily Courier.

January Competition is Wed. Jan. 6th at 7pm   Entry Deadline is Jan. 1, midnight

January Competition is Wed. Jan. 6th at 7pm Entry Deadline is Jan. 1, midnight

Hi Everyone,  It’s not so very far away Jan. 6th.   ….2020 will be over and we will start a new year.   HOPE TO SEE YOU ON ZOOM FOR OUR JAN. COMPETITION!  See below for the details on sharing your images.


1.  For Image size, we use the 4C’s standard:
Image File Size Requirements:
  • 2 Megabyte (2,000 KB) is the maximum file size allowed.
  • 1050 pixels is the maximum vertical (top to bottom) dimension allowed.
  • 1400 pixels is the maximum horizontal (left to right) dimension allowed.
2. The image must be in the jpg format.  Color space should be “sRGB”
3. You can enter up to four images.  They can all be Open Category, or all in the Assigned Category, or all in the Altered Realty Category, or you can enter in each category.
4. Assigned Category photos must have been taken after January 1, 2020.  The Assigned Category theme for January is “Holiday Lights/City Lights”.
5. Each image submitted must be properly named as shown here.  CAVE is the proper abbreviation for the Club.  Do not use CCC.
This is the file naming format:  FirstnameLastname_CAVE_TitleofImage.jpg
Example 1: JohnDoe_CAVE_PrettyFlower.jpg
Example 2: JaneSmith_CAVE_SeaScape.jpg
6. Email the photos to David Church <davidch…@gmail.com>
7. In your email, be sure to identify whether the image(s) are in the “Open”, “Assigned” or “Altered Realty” category.  Also, only three critiques per person will be done at the ZOOM meeting.  Specify “NC” in the photo title for any image you choose not to have critiqued.
8.  Your annual Club dues must be paid in order to compete in January.
9.  Follow this link for the complete Competition Rules on our Club Website: competitions
I hope this information is helpful.  If you have any questions, please email, text or call me.  Cell Phone is 541-441-7925
Dave Church
CCC Secretary and Projectionist
Photo by Nomeca Hartwell
Education Night is Dec. 16th, 7pm  – Let’s Travel!

Education Night is Dec. 16th, 7pm – Let’s Travel!

Photo by Bridget Cline

Dec. 16th will be our next education meeting (online Zoom). Please pick between 7-10 images from a trip that you took recently. Could be exotic (Amsterdam) or local (day trip to the coast). For me, even more local (the burn in Talent/Phoenix). Depending on the number of people who play, we will have 5-10 minutes each to share and discuss. This is not a critique evening, more about sharing. Imagine everyone in a large virtual circle! However, be open to feedback, be curious, have questions and let’s all live vicariously through each others journeys. Dave Church will send a Zoom link to you a couple of days in advance of the meeting. See you all then.

Jim Ingraham
Education Coordinator
Caveman Camera Club


December 2020 Digital Winners – Open Category

December 2020 Digital Winners – Open Category

Two First Places

Dancer Sarah    Jim Ingraham

Image is of Sarah, a local dancer. She was early on in her pregnancy during this shoot.

Technical data: ISO 64, f5.6 at 42mm using a Sigma 24-105 lens on a Nikon D850   Lighting: One light behind and above the dancer on the left, One light behind her on the right.(both lights providing rim lighting on her). There was a light for the backdrop. There was also a general fill left of camera to make sure the shadows on her didn’t go too dark.


Thirsty Hummer    Rose Christner


Second Place

Bottle Fly    Dale George


Two Third Places

The Human Experience    Larry Pollock

Mesquite Dunes,. Death Valley CA


Upper Kanarra Falls    Larry Pollock

Kanarra Falls Utah


Two Honorable Mentions

Moonset    Nomeca Hartwell


Hatley Castle    Dale George

December 2020 Digital Winners – Altered Reality

December 2020 Digital Winners – Altered Reality

First Place

Curtis – P40     Dale George

Curtis P-40E was taken with a Canon 5DMK3 & 16-35 lens combination. ISO setting 100 at f/11 with 3 exposures plus & minus 1/4 sec. No flash used. I took a few liberties with this HDR image in editing because I was liking it’s illustrative feel. Scene was captured at the Madras Air Museum 2 summers ago with a friend from Redmond who hipped me to this museum.