Wed. March 3rd, 7pm, Is Competition Night!

Wed. March 3rd, 7pm, Is Competition Night!

Please join us on Zoom for our March, (already!), competition meeting.

We’ll be viewing STILL LIFES in the Assigned category and we will have the opportunity to see all those other creative captures right in the comfort of our own homes.  The deadline for entering images to Dave Church is MIDNIGHT tonight so get cracking and see you soon!

photo by Debbie Jallit

Competition Updates!


I wanted to share some small changes and flesh out some guidelines for our Altered Reality and Open categories.
Right off the bat in an effort to align ourselves a bit better with the 4C’s regional rules and structure our Open category will now be called Traditional.
Our three categories are now Traditional, Altered Reality and Assigned.
So what goes where you may be asking…?
Traditional is well… Traditional. These are images that look like something you would easily recognize as a thing or something you could actually see. Though you might use a longer exposure, or a gently used texture or even composite in a flock of birds these would be recognizable to us all as a more traditional photograph. If you can answer YES to both of the following questions it is Traditional. If NO is the answer even to one of them put it in Altered Reality.
1. Is the content real, or does it appear to be real?  In other words, does it look like something a photographer might have captured on film?
 2. Is it processed for a realistic look?
Altered Reality is well…..Altered or non traditional.  Here you would see images and composites which have heavier use of textures, overlays or maybe skewed perspectives or added elements.
I’ll explain light painting separately as they are a little special and awkward to explain!
Light ‘wand’ painting images which only show the process of captured light would go in Altered Reality.  A light  ‘wand’ painting image which is set in a park that is well lit or has a well defined person or subject in it would go in Traditional.  Images that are light painted,  those which use a light source to “paint” another object, would go in Traditional.   
As you can see it all depends on the image and honestly it is a bit arbitrary.  Some images will straddle the line.  Keep in mind that getting your photo in the right category gives you a better chance of competing with similar images which is always advantageous.  Just do your best –  If two judges agree, they can move an image to a different category if they want to. A reminder too that Dave Church our projectionist doesn’t make these calls – only judges. 
Just two other things to share:
1. Monthly Assigned Images can be anything at all… long as they fit the assignment. :0)
2. 4C’s has adopted the following rule which we will also adopt concerning textures and brushes. 
The 4Cs allows use of textures and brushes from any source if they do not have specific objects or shapes in them.” 
Reminder – If you are making composites, sky replacements and the like you need to use images taken by you.
Well I’m sure that cleared everything up!  Take a little time to think about it, ask questions if you like and get snapping on your STILL LIFE images for March they can take a bit of fussing. 
~Susan Sheets, President
February 2021 Digital Winners – Assigned Category – Curves

February 2021 Digital Winners – Assigned Category – Curves

Two First Places

Still Life With Bamboo     Jim Ingraham

This image was conceived and set up with the assigned subject of ‘Curves’ in mind. Studio set up with three studio flash heads all in softboxes. Two were on either side and slightly behind the subject (bamboo and a rose). One was behind and above the subject. There was also a flash with a spot grid and red filter to light the backdrop.

The camera was a Nikon D850 with 24-70 mm Tamron lens set at 65mm. The aperture was f16 with a ISO 500 aperture. Shutter speed 1/160 though not relevant to the image as it was flash.


Snow Blanket     Susan Sheets

This image was shot on my patio after a recent snow event. I pressed my foot along the edge into the snow to create the scallops.  After a bit more melting, to me, it looked like fringe on a blanket. Shot with my iPhone 8Plus.


Second Place

Musical Curves     Larry Pollock


Two Third Places

Gnome Home     Cynthia Briseno

Snowy road Curves    Ozzie Cummins


Two Honorable Mentions

Abstract in Green     Dale George

Slinky     Judy Cox

February 2021 Photo of the Month

February 2021 Photo of the Month


Photograph by Jim Ingraham

This image, titled “Kelp” was taken from Citizens Dock Rd. in the harbor at Crescent City, Ca. It was a bright and sunny day and the winds were calm. The kelp was sitting near the surface and I could see the seafloor as well as clouds reflecting in the water. The color of the water was a beautiful blue green. I thought it would make for a compelling image.

Taken with a Nikon D810 and Tokina 24-70 mm lens at 40mm. ISO 125, Shutter speed of 1/125 and aperture of F8


Congratulations! Jim on a beautiful image.  Look for Jim’s image to be featured soon in the Daily Courier.