This photograph of jockey Taylor Smith on July 4th at Grants Pass Downs was taken while panning with the camera. Moving the camera left to right in a smooth motion while synced with the speed of the horse creates a sense of motion and yet retains detail. The racetrack is the perfect place to play with this technique. The camera settings for this particular shot were ISO 250, 124mm, f10 at 1/100 second.
Congratulations! Susan (lol, it’s me). Look for Susan’s image soon in the Daily Courier.
We will meet at The Newman United Methodist Church, 132 NE B Street, Grants Pass, 97526 on September 7 at 7:00 pm
Digital Photo Sharing submissions are due to David Church our projectionist by Sept 4th. Please see Dave’s email below. Bring a print! too for discussion.
1. For Image size, we use the 4C’s standard: Improperly sized images will be returned to the maker for correction.
Image File Size Requirements:
2 Megabyte (2,000 KB) is the maximum file size allowed.
1050 pixels is the maximum vertical (top to bottom) dimension allowed.
1400 pixels is the maximum horizontal (left to right) dimension allowed.
2. The image must be in the jpg format. Color space should be “sRGB”
3. You can submit up to three images. They can all be in the Traditional Category, or all in the Assigned Category, or all in the Altered Realty Category, or you can submit in each category.
4. Assigned Category photos must have been taken after May 15, 2022. The Assigned Category theme for September is “Transportation”.
5. Each image submitted must be properly named as shown here. “WILD” is the proper abbreviation for the Club.
This is the file naming format: FirstnameLastname_WILD_TitleofImage.jpg
Hi everyone, The Heartland Dance Studio is having their annual dress rehearsal on Wednesday 6/22 at 7 pm. This years performance is “The Brave Tin Soldier”. We are invited to photograph the performance. The Rogue Digital Arts photo club is invited as well. Those of you that have previous experience know what to do. (main thing-no flash). If you want to come and haven’t attended before, call me 541-471-1509 or show up early (between 6:30 and 6:45 for a quick briefing).It’s always fun. Come out and challenge yourself photographically. Jim Ingraham
Click the Year End Winners Tab to find the wonderful images created by our members and recognized in the Year End Competition. Thanks!! to everyone who made it possible by gathering prints, organizing judges, creating certificates and everything in between! Enjoy.