
We now have a library consisting mainly of books and video’s but also including a monitor calibrator and a lens/camera calibration tool. Members can check out any of the items at the competition meetings or the education meetings. Members may also contact the librarian, Jim Ingraham, during non meeting times to check out or return items. Email @ or phone @ 541-471-1509 cell. If you have items you would like to donate to the library, let Jim I. know.

Misc. Items

Spyder LensCal lens calibration unit.

Colormunki Smile Monitor Calibrator

Light table with stand and softbox.

Video Items

National Geographic – Fundamentals of Photography Part 1 (4 DVD’s) Watch on TV. For Beginner to Advanced. Follow National Geographic photographer Joel Satore as he goes on location shoots and debriefs and critiques images. Very entertaining and informative.

National Geographic – Fundamentals of Photography Part 2 (4 DVD’s) Watch on TV. For Beginner to Advanced. Follow National Geographic photographer Joel Satore as he goes on location shoots and debriefs and critiques images.

National Geographic – Masters of Photography (3 DVD’s) Follow some of the worlds best as they explain how they capture captivating images around the world. For beginner to advanced.

Photovision DVD’s – Watch on TV. Content time of each DVD is 2 to 4 hours. Follow professional portrait photographers as they go on assignment or in studio with their subjects. Weddings, family portraits, babies, maternity, high school seniors, marketing, color management, studio lighting, outdoor lighting. Great stuff if you are or want to be a portrait photographer. Best for advanced photographers but easy to follow by beginners as well.

Complete Guide to Luminosity Masks – Sean Bagshaw – For computer, not TV.  Not for beginners.  Advanced Photoshop techniques that provide a more realistic approach to HDR photography using layers and masking techniques in Photoshop.  Put them in your computer and follow along, practicing techniques as you go. Several hours of instruction. 4 DVD’s and 33 Chapters. If you like Seans instruction, please visit his website and purchase the DVD’s. He is local and occasionally is a guest lecturer at our camera club meetings. Link for free Luminosity masks: Free Luminosity masks

Ultimate Photo Guide – 7 DVD’s – Watch on TV. Titles are: Advanced Photo Techniques, Applied Advanced PhotoTechniques, Travel Photography, Photography Essentials, Seasonal Photography, Portrait Photography and Creative Photography. Pretty much everything under the sun is covered in this series. Good for beginners through advanced.

Wedding Techniques – 6 DVD set (Check out as one item) – Watch on TV.   Follow along on several actual wedding shoots with world class photographers.

‘Spot on Exposure’ 5 discs (check out as one item) For computer. For Beginners mainly.  Learn the ins and outs of exposure (shutter speed, f-stop and ISO).

Lightroom Master Raw Processing – 4 DVD’s (8 chapters). For computer. Beginner to advanced. Learn about processing your images in Lightroom. Very extensive coverage.

Lightroom Output – 3 DVD’s (Day 1,2,3). For computer. Color management, printing, jpeg quality, resizing…Everything related to what you do after you have created your masterpiece image.

Star Photography Master Class 2 DVD’s (check out as one item) For computer.  Learn how to shoot the Milky Way and stars and how to process them.

Painting with Light – 2 DVD’s (check out as one item) For computer. Intermediate to advanced. Using layers and masks learn how to enhance the light in your images in a realistic way.

The Best of Photoshop User: The 12th Year For computer. Over two hours of Photoshop tips and tricks.

The Beginners Guide to Digital Blending by Colby Brown. For computer. Intermediate to advanced. Learn several different techniques for creating HDR images that provide a more realistic final image than many of the HDR software programs out there.

PDF files and eBooks

The Grand Landscape – Beginner to Intermediate – Learn the basics about Landscape shooting including gear, lighting and shooting techniques. This is a PDF file, sorry no video, but is very in depth and very well done.

Desert Paradise (Forever Light eBooks) – There are two subjects here: Death Valley and Iceland. The two eBooks are very specific guides to each location. Basically, if you are planning a trip to either place you would want to study this and perhaps even get it on your smart phone or laptop.

Grant Collier’s Night Photography e-book : Not recommended for  beginners  until comfortable  with LR and/or Photoshop but  lots of  clear and concise info ( illustrative pix too ) once that hurdle is cleared including specific equipment recommendations as of 2015. Even covers ‘bioluminescence’!, + website, online videos)


Digital Photography Outdoors 2007 – For Beginners. The book is a bit dated but the material covered is still very relevant.

The Digital Photography Companion 2008 – For Beginners. The book is a bit dated but the material covered is still very relevant.

Exposure Photo Workshop 2008 – For Beginners and Intermediate. Very in depth coverage on exposing your digital images, the hows and whys and how to’s.

Canon EOS 50D guide to digital slr photography. Your owners manual on steroids with colorful images.

Canon EOS 50D – A short course – Similar to above, only with black and white images.

Skin (A complete guide to digitally lighting, photographing and retouching faces and bodies). Large book, in color, advanced.

Professional Portrait Retouching Techniques for Photographers using Photoshop. Large, color. Advanced.




March 2016 Winners

March 2016 Winners

Judges: Arlene Pence, Donald Tedrow and Gene Rimmer (Main Judge)

Print Image Competition – Assigned Category (Monochrome)

1st Place – Image of the Month

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“Guess Who’s Cheating”  Marcia Fasy

Last year there was a fundraiser for the Grants Pass Downs, and I was asked to take photos at the event. There was a great group of cowboys and girls who performed there. It was so much fun, and I was happy to volunteer to photograph the event.  Our assignment for March was monochromatic images.  I remembered this image, and thought it would be wonderful in sepia tones, because it was very fitting for their costumes.  It was shot with the Canon 6D with a 24-105mm lens at 24mm, ISO 4000.

2nd Place

A Bygone Era

“A Bygone Era”  Dale George

3rd Place-Tie


“New Growth”  Jim Ingraham

3rd Place-Tie

“Heceta Beach”  Lynda Noles

Print Image Competition – Open Category

1st Place

Built To Last

“Built to Last”  Dale George

This image was taken last fall as we swung through Astoria. The Flavel house was on my list of places to stop and explore as I really love seeing a true Victorian home with period furnishings. I used a tripod on all shots taken here as lighting was dim and I wanted to shoot with a low ISO for best results. This particular shot was 3 exposures blended in Photomatix and cleaned up in Lightroom 5. There were a couple bus loads of tourists that were going through the house, but as typical, they went through quickly allowing me time to set up and get many decent scenes here. I never thought of myself as an architecture guy, but the mood and feel of scenes like this one make me want to explore other interiors like it.

And now for the nuts and bolts of it. Taken with a Canon 5D Mark III and Canon 16-35mm lens. The lens was opened to 16mm and an average exposure of 1/6 second with exposures of +2 and -2.F stop f/8 and ISO 100 for the least noise.

2nd Place


“Paige”  Linda Bryant

3rd Place

Route 66 Collage 8x10

“Route 66 Collage”  Marcia Fasy

Electronic Image Competition – Open Category

1st Place


“Jade’s Magic Show”  Lori Mitchell

2nd Place


“That’s Close Enough”  Jim Ingraham

Electronic Image Competition – Assigned Category (Mononchrome)

1st Place


“Lone Tree”  Nomeca Hartwell

I liked the simplicity  of this Lone Tree and its Shadow out on a barren field in the Palouse area so I made the usual 3 image capture.   When I started playing with it in Lightroom, I realized that an Infrared type conversion would make  it seem “other-worldly”  so I brought a color version into CS6 , did the B&W conversion to a faux infrared   (after rebalancing the color so that the clouds on the left would be a little whiter ) and then added a fairly strong Orton effect from an ‘Image Apply’  action that I  created. I masked off some of the final sharpening and added a translucent border that enhanced the ethereal feel of the finished image. Canon T2i, using 18mm  on my 18-135mm lens at f/8, 1/2000 sec. , ISO 400.

2nd Place – Tie (x6)


“The Buckboard stops here”  Dale George

2nd Place – Tie (x6)


“A Ghostly Figure”  Jim Heern

2nd Place – Tie (x6)


“The Catacombs”  Debbie Jallit

2nd Place – Tie (x6)


“Breaking Trail”  Ozzie Cummins

2nd Place – Tie (x6)


“Kristy Lee”  Linda Bryant

2nd Place – Tie (x6)

“Cartagena”  Lynda Nowles

3rd Place – Tie (x6)

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“Wrap your brain around this chair”  Laurie Scaruffi

3rd Place – Tie (x6)


“What He Left Me”  Dave Low

3rd Place – Tie (x6)


“Daisy”  Patty Booth

3rd Place – Tie (x6)


“Whispy”  Jan Kloes

3rd Place – Tie (x6)


“Precious Moment”  Suzie Pratt

February 2016 Winners

February 2016 Winners

Judges: Jim Heern, Jan Franz and Matt Connell (Guest Judge)

Electronic Image Competition – Open Category

1st Place – Image of the Month


“Nevermore”  Dave Low

1st Place – Tie


“Game Saver”  Joel Takarsh

Certainly shooting sports action is a first love with me. I shot this at a Rogue River High School baseball game in April of 2014.
During the course of the game, I couldn’t help but notice how talented of an athlete the short-stop for Rogue River High School was.
I then made it a point to keep my camera on him and at a critical game saving moment, he made this back hand catch that yielded an exciting photo capture. This image was taken with a Nikon D4 mounted with a Nikon 400mm AF-S f/2.8 lens. Exposure info ISO 640, Shutter speed 1/8000 sec, f/stop 3.2. In sports/action photography it’s not taking photos, it’s about capturing moments.

2nd Place


“Bryce Hoodoos”  Greg Smith

3rd Place – Tie


“Palouse Sunrise”  Nomeca Hartwell

 3rd Place – Tie


“A walk in the park”  Jim Ingraham

3rd Place – Tie


“Sky Kiss”  Jim Heern

 Print Image Competition – Open Category

1st Place


“Commingle”  Don Tedrow

This is a composite image. I have only done a few. I was frustrated with my approach to capturing the eclipse, my vision was never realized. The seed, for the composite was planted during Louis Anderson’s education night. The Milky way was captured with a Cannon 15mm fish eye lens at f 2.8, iso 3200 and a 30 second exposure on a Cannon Mark 3.

2nd Place


“Sea Turtle”  Jim Ingraham

Electronic Image Competition – Assigned Category (Portraits)

1st Place – Tie


“Cassie”  Linda Bryant

I took this pic of Cassie back in 2015… We went out to Williams and were just playing around.
I opened the pc into Photoshop, took a white brush and brushed out the background and her bra straps that were showing, added Nik Collections Silver Efex Pro, Antique Plate 2…Next I added Topaz Labs Glow, Fur and Feathers 1. Adjusted to how I wanted it to look. This was taken using my Canon 5DMark 111. Setting were as follows: Shutter speed 640, f4,75mm and ISO was set at 2500… It was kinda dark there.

1st Place – Tie


“John likes beer”  Marcia Fasy

A small group of us used to have a little Photoshop User Group  which met one afternoon a month. John was a member of that group. He asked to have a portrait taken of him. Another member who was a retired wedding photographer set up a studio in his garage. He was the lighting guru and I took the photos.  John was wearing this black shirt and had the Greek fisherman’s hat with him. I took many shots and many different poses. The portrait was taken with a Canon 5D, 24-105mm f4 L lens, at 75mm, ISO 100, manual focus.

2nd Place – Tie


“Should I Continue”  Donald Tedrow

2nd Place – Tie


“Little Lilly”  Debbie Jallit

2nd Place – Tie


“Portrait of a Student Athlete”  Joel Takarsh

2nd Place – Tie


“Snake and Apple”  Gene Rimmer

2nd Place – Tie


“Ella Wishes”  Pam Arbogast

2nd Place – Tie


“Jason”  Patty Booth

2nd Place – Tie


“Chief”  Ned Booth

Print Image Competition – Open Category

1st Place – Tie

Mad in the Manzanita 4 CCC

“Mad in the Manzanita”  Gene Rimmer

Amateur but unabashed model Onastacia Palmateer and I went up to the Cathedral Hills to take some pictures of her in the sensuous manzanita.  I didn’t quite get the image that I had in mind, but after a long shoot with several wardrobe changes, this image was one of my favorite.  Her hair is artificial dreadlocks, and her expression is purely posed.  She’s a wonderful sport.  This was a light overcast day, no artificial lighting but post production work done in Lightroom, CS6, and Nik Color Efex Pro.  I used my Canon 5D mark III, 24-105mm lens at 40mm, ISO 400, 1/90 at f/11.

1st Place – Tie


“John the Fisherman”  Marcia Fasy

A small group of us used to have a little Photoshop User Group  which met one afternoon a month. John was a member of that group. He asked to have a portrait taken of him. Another member who was a retired wedding photographer set up a studio in his garage. He was the lighting guru and I took the photos.  John was wearing this black shirt and had the Greek fisherman’s hat with him. I took many shots and many different poses but this was my favorite.The portrait was taken with a Canon 5D, 24-105mm f4 L lens, at 75mm, ISO 100, manual focus.

2nd Place


“Disturbing Portrait”  Russ Williamson

January 2016 Winners

January 2016 Winners

Print Image Competition – Assigned Category (Architecture)

 1st Place – Image of the Month

Pea Growers_17x_15_8198 copy

“Pea Growers”  by Nomeca Hartwell

I love the look of the tall imposing granaries and silos in Eastern Washington so when we came across the ‘Pea Growers’ grain storage building in the Oakesdale area of the Palouse , I knew I wanted to spend some time with this structure.   I found a way to get a really nice view of the building by crawling under a line of parked trains with my tripod and camera gear in tow and setting up inside the train yard. Afterwards I happily told my travel companion that I had gotten my ‘shot of the trip’.  I made initial adjustments in Lightroom, but to really capture the magic of the scene, I ended up converting it to Black & White in Photoshop CS6 and then did a texture overlay.
Canon Rebel T2i data: 1/2000sec at f /6.3, ISO 400 , 18-135 lens at 25mm.
 I have been an active member of the CCC for 27 years, served in all positions, currently Judging Secretary. Photography in our group is exciting and  challenging with so many excellent artists competing , sharing, and getting better all the time.

1st Place – Tie


“Water Tanks”  Russ Williamson

“Water Tanks” was taken on a trip to New York City this past summer to be used in the club’s assigned category of architecture.  In New York City, buildings over six stories must have water storage on their roofs for fire fighting.  This image was taken from our hotel room, through window glass at sunset.  I used my Nikon D810 with a 70-200mm lens.  The settings were ISO 200, F/3.5, 1/50sec, at a focal length of 135mm.

1st Place – Tie

Boulevard of Dreams

“Boulevard of Dreams” Dale George

Boulevard of Dreams was taken this past spring on a road trip to Las Vegas. Shooting the strip at ground level was more of a challenge than I would have thought. The height of the hotels was daunting even with my 10-22mm lens. Distortion was always an issue, so in this scene I concentrated on buildings that were not as tall, as I wanted a more straight on type of shot. Another real problem was traffic, and those cursed light poles in the median, which were always in the worst photographic location. Eventually I settled at this spot and set up the tri-pod and waited for a break in the traffic…another hazard are the buses with their light-up billboards on the side trying to ruin your shots as they speed by.

Shot with a Canon T2I (retired now) and a 10-22mm lens.  Exposure at ISO 100 for .6 Sec,  focal length 13mm and aperture set at f/7.1

Print Image Competition – Open Category

1st Place

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“The Outer Rim” Donald Tedrow

The outer rim is the arc of the Milky Way. This image was made at Pelican Butte, Oregon, using a Cannon Mark 3, Samyang 14mm lens, at F2.8, using a 25 second exposure at iso 3200. Processed in LightRoom and Photoshop.My first attempts at astro-scape photography began in February 2015 and the learning process is on going. I am absolutely hooked and fascinated with imaging the night sky. An image that Nomeca Hartwell created when I originally became a camera club member, spiked my interest in night photography. I became a member of the camera club in September 2008. I left in June of 2011, then re-joined in June 2015. I am in gratitude to be surrounded by talented artists and the images that are produced by our club. I am retired and free to pursue my passions in life, which are sometimes dancing (after a beer or 2), wine tasting, back packing, hiking and photography. The extraordinary culmination, for me,  is to combine back packing, photography, hiking and a cold beer after a long excursion on a hot trail.

2nd Place – Tie

“Through the Smoke” Ned Booth

2nd Place – Tie


“Red Panda” Russ Williamson

2nd Place – Tie


“The Bird in the Bush” Dave Church

Electronic Image Competition – Assigned Category (Architecture)

1st Place – Tie

DaleGeorge_Cave_Portal Of Power

“Portal of Power” Dale George

“Portal of Power” was taken this past Sept. on a photographic road trip with my wife. Our final destination was Victoria, B.C. and was where I captured this scene. The photo was taken on the second floor of the beautiful legislative building which is available to explore a bit. This was shot on a tri-pod and was a bit difficult to frame properly as the camera would not tilt upward any further and was low to the floor to get as much in the frame as possible. It is another 3 shot exposure processed in Photomatix and Lightroom.

     As a side note, I have been using HDR for over 2 years now and find that this technique works especially well for interior shots and does not produce the halo effect usually associated with some HDR images. This is my “go-to” technique for older interior building shots as it seems to bring life to the image.

1st Place – Tie


“Windows” Russ Williamson

“Windows” was taken this summer on a trip to New York City for the assigned category of architecture.  This building has been build in the area that was destroyed on 911, at Ground Zero.  I used my Nikon D810 and 24-70mm lens.  My setting were ISO 64, F/6.3, 1/200sec, and a focal length of 66mm.  The image was cropped and tilted to work with the lines of the building.

2nd Place – Tie


“The Biltmore House” Linda Bryant

2nd Place – Tie


“Beneath the Bridge” Lori Mitchell

3rd Place – Tie


“Coastal Warning” Donald Tedrow

3rd Place – Tie


“Night Bridge” Laurie Scaruffi

3rd Place – Tie


“Christmas Church” Nomeca Hartwell

3rd Place – Tie


“Tattooed Architecture” Tony Mitchell

Electronic Image Competition – Open Category

1st Place


“Hanging from the Rafters” Linda Bryant

2nd Place


“Nutcracker Stretch” Dave Church

3rd Place – Tie


“Klamath Sunset” Dave Church

3rd Place – Tie


“Arial Fabric Dancer” Jim Ingraham

Honorable Mention – Tie


“Illumination” Lori Mitchell

Honorable Mention – Tie


“Capuchin Monkey” Ned Booth

Honorable Mention – Tie


“Glowing Hill” Nomeca Hartwell

Honorable Mention – Tie


“Emerald Leaf” Tony Mitchell


December 2015 Winners

December 2015 Winners

Electronic Image Competition – Open Category

First Place – Image of the Month


 “Winning Colors”  Joel Takarsh

Photo was shot at Grants Pass Downs back in July of 2015.
Used a NIKON D4 camera mounted with a 400mm f/2.8 fixed focal length lens.
Image was shot at ISO 1000. Exposure was at f/5.6 at 1/3200th of a second, shutter speed.
I shoot sports for the Daily Courier and there’s always lots of great shots at Grants Pass Downs.

Second Place-Tie


 “Not in Time”  Joel Takarsh

Second Place-Tie


 Bobette Heern

Third Place


 “Fire in their Eyes” Pam Arbogast

Electronic Image Competition – Assigned Category ‘Wildlife’

First Place – Tie


 “Dragonfly” Patty Booth

I took this photo using a Nikon D3 with a 105mms macro lens. I enjoy taking macro shots especially in my backyard because of the quiet and solitude.  I’m always amazed how calm I feel after a backyard “shoot”.
Joyfully, Patty

First Place – Tie

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“The Swan” Debbie Jallit

This was taken last May while we were visiting family in Denmark. We were walking along the shoreline of Øresund in Charlottenlund, Copenhagen and there were several of these swans swimming along side of us.  I hadn’t seen swans living in a saltwater environment before, although evidently they do, and the purity of their whiteness against the clarity of the waters were just captivating to me.  It was taken mid-afternoon on a partly cloudy day with my Nikon D7000, 28-300 zoom lens at 85mm, F8, ISO 200 at 1/500 second.

Second Place – Tie


“Igor 2” Dave Church

Second Place – Tie


“Pete” Jim Ingraham

Third Place – Tie


“Curious Coyote” Jim Heern

Third Place – Tie


“I Otter be in pictures” Patty Booth

Third Place – Tie


“Tasty” Jim Heern

Third Place – Tie


“Uber Gull” Ozzie Cummings

Honorable Mention


“Siblings” Jim Heern

Honorable Mention




“The Ugly Kitten” Crystal Butcher

Honorable Mention


“I heard that” Jim Ingraham

Honorable Mention


“Varied Thresh & Frozen Apple” Marcia Fasy

Honorable Mention


“Eagle” Russ Williamson

Honorable Mention


“The Catch” Ken Welborn

Honorable Mention


“Southern Bald Ibis” Ned Booth

Print Image Competition – Open Category

First Place

Dale George_Cave_Christ Church Cathedral #2

“Christ Church Cathedral #2” Dale George

“Christ Church Cathedral #2” was taken in September while on vacation in Victoria, British Columbia. This was one of my “must have” shots from Victoria. We stopped in one afternoon and were welcomed and given a pamphlet with some history of the Cathedral and other historical facts on it. We had full access as long as we did not disturb any worshipers. I deposited a donation in the donation box and set out to get my shots. I had to be patient, as there was another photographer there using a mono-pod and he had gotten there first. After what seemed like an eternity, he finished and I had my turn. I kept running into this guy the whole trip at various locations, and he was always there just before we arrived at each place…very weird!!!

 And now for the nuts and bolts info…. Shot with a Canon (yea) 5D Mark III and my new 16-35mm wide angle lens. As this is an HDR image, I set my camera for aperture priority and bracketed 3 shots at 0, +1, -1.  Aperture f/9 and ISO 200 for an average exposure of 1/10 sec.   Processed in Photomatix and Lightroom 5 only.

Second Place-Tie

Dale George_Cave_Desert Dusk

“Desert Dusk” Dale George

Second Place-Tie


“Trains and Tattoos” Jim Ingraham

Print Image Competition – Assigned Category (Wildlife)

First Place


“Resting Quietly” Russ Williamson

“Resting Quietly” was taken at the Sequoia Park Zoo, in Eureka, California.  The print image was taken for the December subject of animals.  The image was taken with my Nikon D810, using a Sigma 500mm lens.  The settings were ISO 200, F/14, at 1/80sec.  I used a tripod to hold the camera.  The image was emailed to Costco, who made the print.

Second Place – Tie


“Badass Badger” Patty Booth

Second Place – Tie


“Don’t Go” Jim Heern

Third Place


“Nuthatch” Debbie Jallit