September 2017 Winners

September 2017 Winners

Judges: Greg Smith, Jan Franz and  Dale George (Lead Judge)

Electronic Image Competition – Open Category

1st Place – Image of the Month

 “Sweet Song”  David Church

“This image was taken at the “Back to the Fifties-Concert in the Park”, and it features one of the lead singers of the group “Sound Stage Review”.  I learned about photographing musical groups from other Camera Club members, and have found it challenging, as well as a great way to be close to the action. You often find some great expressions”. 
The camera is a Canon 6d with a 70-300 mm lens at 200mm. The photo was shot at ISO 1,250 at f8 at 1/160 second.
 “I’ve taken photos most of my life starting at home with my Dad’s darkroom.  I joined the Caveman Camera Club in 2009, and since then have enjoyed learning and serving with a great group of folks”.


1st Place also (2-way tie)

“The eyes have it”  Rose Christner
This was taken in Dec. of 2016 for our Christmas celebration at home. This is of my daughter Tamara and her boyfriend Eric and Tamara’s beloved dog Halo. She had just unwrapped the backpack for her biking/camping trip in Hawaii so she could take her well traveled dog with her.  She had just tried it on with Halo in it to see if it fit and I took the fun shot. They all have extraordinary eyes, hence the title. Taken with my CANON EOS 80D at 1/80sec, F/5  62mm, ISO 5000.


2nd Place – 4 way tie

“The Zipper”  Susan Sheets

2nd Place – 4 way tie
“Mrs. John Deere”  Jim Heern


2nd Place – 4 way tie

“St Catherines by night” – Nomeca Hartwell


2nd Place – 4 way tie

“Three Bulls” – Jim Ingraham



Electronic Image Competition – Assigned category (Insects)

1st Place – 2 way tie
“What!” – Ozzie Cummins

This image was capture on 8.19.17 near Wrangle Camp at 6,000 ft. elevation about 5:30 in the evening.  I was noticing these interesting white “weed” plants along the edge of the road.  They were distinctive in that their general plant shape reminded me of a planetary solar system in structure.  Actually, they are made up of hundreds, if not thousands of very tiny clumps of individual flowers on many stems radiating out from a central location on the main stalk.  Then, what really caught my eye was they seemed to be covered with “yellow-jackets,” not bees like you would expect on a flower.  Yellow jackets are usually attracted to dead meat, not the sweet nectar of a flower.

Anyway, I wanted to capture this interesting event and plant structure as well as some detail in the face of the Yellow-jacket (Insects were the assigned subject for this coming month competition).  I used my Nikon 750 with a Nikkor 28-300 lens zoomed in at 300 mm; f8 to allow some detail in the plant, but still blur the background.  I used a shutter speed of 1/320 sec for hand holding.  I modified the exposure with a -1 exposure compensation to allow for very bright white flowers against a dark background. To get the exposure right with these settings, Auto ISO chose an ISO of 320.


1st Place – 2 way tie
“Tomato Worm” – Lynda Noles
This picture of a tomato worm was taken in 2010 with a Canon Rebel camera.  The settings were 1/80 s @f/5.6  ISO 400 at 5:30 p.m.

 2nd Place – 2 way tie
“Swallow Tail” – Doris Welborn


2nd Place – 2 way tie

“Perfect Landing” – Joy Lane

3rd Place – 6 way tie

“Up close and impersonal” – Jim Heern


3rd Place – 6 way tie

“On the Lavender” – Debbie Jallit


3rd Place – 6 way tie

“Bumble Bee” – Russ Williamson 


 3rd Place – 6 way tie

“Busy as can Bee” – Theresa Kubat


 3rd Place – 6 way tie

“Pollen” -Vince Williams


3rd Place – 6 way tie

“Scorpion” – Debbie Jallit




Print Image Competition – Open Category

1st Place 

“Green with Envy”  Jim Heern
This is a a Guira Cuckoo, it lives in a semi-open habitat of Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, and Argentina. Shot at Tracy Aviary in Salt Lake city, Utah.
200 mm, ISO 125, f 5.6, 1/30 sec.


2nd Place – 2 way tie

“The Spiral”  Jim Ingraham



2nd Place – 2 way tie

“Star Talk”  Nomeca Hartwell



Print Image Competition – Assigned (Insects)

1st Place – 3 way tie

“Mirrored Mosquito Hawk”  Rose Christner
In May of 2017 I gently scooped up this mosquito hawk that I thought was dead to take a picture of for our CCC assigned category. I put it on a mirror to hopefully get the underside reflection. Took me about 30 min to get the shots and I turned and he was gone. So no insects harmed or frozen in this assignment…LOL This was shot with my CANON EOS 80D at 1/8 sec, F13 140mm, ISO100. No flash and worked with in Photoshop.
Thank you,


1st Place – 3 way tie

“Yellow Garden Spider”  Greg Smith
“Yellow Garden Spider” is one of my first images using my new Canon 5D Mark IV, and was taken while out mentoring an aspiring young photographer.  He had already located a group of these colorful creatures and it was a perfect opportunity to share some knowledge and capture a photo for the assigned category, “Insects”.  This image was taken using my 100mm macro lens with dedicated twin flash mounted on the end of the lens.  Camera settings were; ISO 1000, 1/25 second, and aperture maxed out at f/32 for as much depth of field as was possible.


1st Place – 3 way tie

“Fuzzy”  Doris Welborn

Here’s my winning photo of Fuzzy, a Tachnid Fly.  This fly was visiting oregano blooms in my backyard. It is a beneficial insect to the garden.

This image was taken with my Nikon D600 with a Nikon 24-70 lens attached.  The lens was set on shutter priority, f/5.6, 1/2000, +.67 exposure compensation.  This lens was purchased in 2010.


Year-End Winners 2016-2017

Year-End Winners 2016-2017

Slideshow Winners

1st Place

Freeze Frame

by Dave Low

Click me

2nd Place

Things I Saw in Jamaica

by Jim Ingraham

Click me

3rd Place

Let’s Chase Some Cans

by Linda Bryant

Click me

Year-End Image Competition

Photographer of the Year:  Jim Ingraham

Matt Connell (Fire Mountain Gems);
Al Ingersoll (SOPA);
Tim Bullard (Daily Courier)

Electronic Image Competition


                                                     1st Place – Electronic Image of the Year

                                                      “National Creek Falls”  Jim Ingraham

Taken at f/11, 1/2 second, ISO 400 with a Nikon D810 and 24-70 lens at 56 mm. Tripod mounted. The trick is getting to the other side of the creek without falling in the water!

                                                                   2nd Place

“Primary Colors”  Jan Kloes

                                                                                        Third Place

“In the Strike Zone”  Joel Takarsh

 Honorable Mention (x6)

“The Catch”  Jim Ingraham

                                                                        Honorable Mention


“The Centaur”  Joel Takarsh

Honorable Mention

“Lucid Swan Dream”  Bobette Heern

Honorable Mention

“Cheers”  Jan Kloes

Honorable Mention

“Shell Station”  Jim Ingraham

Honorable Mention

“City Skyline & Union Station”  Laurie Scaruffi

Print Competition

1st Place – Print Image of the Year

“Fisherman Silhouette”  Jim Ingraham

2nd Place

“Making Plywood”  Jim Ingraham

3rd Place

“Friday Morning Fog”  Jim Heern

Honorable Mention (x2)

“Milky Way From the Watchman Overlook”  Jim Ingraham

Honorable Mention

“The Night Light”  Rose Christner

May 2017 Winners

May 2017 Winners

Judges: Ozzie Cummins & Valerie Coulman – Judy LaNier (Co-Lead Judges) 

Electronic Image Competition – Assigned (Americana) 

1st Place – Image of the Month

 “Apple Pie”  Linda Williams

The assigned category for May was Americana, so I thought what is more American than apple pie? I started out with a whole pie and took quite a few pictures but they didn’t speak to me. Then we ate a piece and decided to put one piece on a plate with a little ice cream on top.  That is the one I picked.  The pie and milk are on mirrors and I liked the reflections. The camera is a Nikon D5500 with a 18-300 mm lens. The photo was shot with ISO at 12,800 at 22mm F 3.5 at 1/4 second.

I’ve taken photographs most of my life but have really become interested in photography in the last few years. My husband and I joined the Caveman Camera Club about a year and a half ago.

1st Place – Three way tie 

“Drink Pepsi, drink Coke”  Jim Ingraham
Technical data: Tripod mounted, ISO 560, 1/30th second @ f10. Nikon D810 with Sigma 24-105 Art lens @ 32 mm. Shot on a cloudy day. Georges place is pure Americana, inside and out. If you ever want to go there, just ask me. I think the place is fascinating and George can tell you stories about every item he has procured over the years.

1st Place – Three way tie 
“Good time, Saturday night”  Debbie Jallit
I was scrambling for an idea for this month’s assigned subject when I thought about Bluegrass music.  I have an antique 4-string banjo that my uncle owned, back from the 20’s I believe, and decided that it would be a good subject.  I set this up outside on our covered porch on an old nail barrel propping it up against my saddle, added a harmonica and a bottle of Jim Beam.  (I didn’t have a fiddle to add to the mix…..)  I did some sharpening and added a vignette to the image.  I used my Nikon D750 with my 28-300 lens, 1/62, F9, ISO 100.

2nd Place – Three way tie 
“Barber Shop”  Dave Church

2nd Place – Three way tie 
“Far away, and not so long ago”  Nomeca Hartwell

2nd Place – Three way tie 
“Fireworks”  Vince Williams

3rd Place – Four way tie 
“Uninspired title #1”  Dale George

3rd Place – Four way tie 
“Farmers Market”  Judy Cox

3rd Place – Four way tie 
“Jim Heern”  Old Glory

3rd Place – Four way tie 
“Shell Station”  Jim Ingraham

Electronic Image Competition – Open Category

1st Place

“The Stare down”  Bobette Heern
This image was taken at the West Coast Game Park Safari 8 miles south of Bandon, Oregon. Overcast skies. Early morning. I brought a plastic sack to sit on. Everytime he heard the bag rattle, I got his immediate focused attention. Captured this shot as he approached me at the fence. I bet he thought I had a second breakfast for him. He hung around while i snapped away. I softly told him what a magnifiecent creature he was and that it was an honor to be in his presence. He continued to pose. We were communing with each other in a timeless space.  Nikon 610

2nd Place – Four way tie 
“Flaming white Tulip”  Laurie Scaruffi

2nd Place – Four way tie 
“Waiting patiently”  Rose Christner

2nd Place – Four way tie 
“Emerging Sunflower”  Russ Williamson

2nd Place – Four way tie 

“Spirit Island” Jan Kloes

3rd Place – Four way tie 
“Apple Blossom”  Doris Welborn

3rd Place – Four way tie 
“In the strike zone”  Joel Takarsh

3rd Place – Four way tie 
“Blue Light Special”  Pam Arbogast

3rd Place – Four way tie 
“Definitely safe”  Joel Takarsh

Print Image Competition – Assigned (Americana)
1st Place -Two way tie 
“Bull Rider”  Linda Bryant

This photo was taken at the McCaslin Rodeo in Grants Pass. Shot with  my Canon EOS 6D,using a Canon 70-200 mm lens. My settings were F/2.8, 1/4000sec., ISO 6400 at 200mm.It is almost straight out of the camera. I cropped it and sharpened it to bring in the details of the dirt.I also added Topaz Glow at 20%.

Print Image Competition – Assigned (Americana)
1st Place -Two way tie 
“Majestic”  Linda Bryant

I took this photo at Wildlife Images in Grants Pass. Used my Canon EOS 6D camera. Settings were F/5.6, 1/500 sec., ISO 400, at 300mm.I sharpened the Eyes, the Beak and some of the Feathers on the face.

Print Image Competition – Open category
1st Place
“Calla Lilly”  Jim Ingraham
This image was taken in Crescent City near the pier on a cloudy, windy and rainy day. Shot hand held at ISO 1600, 1/500th second at f16. Nikon D810 and 70-200 Nikkor lens set at 150 mm. This was probably on of the last good shots I got with this lens as a couple of weeks later I dropped it in the ocean. It is now a magnificent paper weight.

2nd Place 
High Limit Lounge
“High Limit Lounge”  Dale George

3rd Place 
“Open all night”  Dale George

April 2017 Winners

April 2017 Winners

Judges: Dave Church, Vince Williams and Gene Rimmer (Lead Judge)

Electronic Image Competition – Assigned (Texture) 

1st Place – Image of the Month


 “My Eyes Adore You”  Vince Williams

This picture was taken March 25th 2017 at the West Coast Game Park Safari in Bandon, Oregon.  We were on a field trip with the Caveman Camera Club.  I had been taking pictures of lions when my wife came up to me and told me of a couple doing sign language to a bear and it was responding.  When we got to the bear the couple was long gone and the bear did not respond to me trying hand signals.  The bear was walking around in his enclosure and I happened to be at just the right place to take this picture.  I used my Nikon D750 with a older 70-200mm lens @75mm ISO 1000 1/800sec @ F13.

I have been taking pictures for the last 20-25 years and have just recently stepped up and started a photo business.  I joined the Caveman Camera Club in March of 2016.

1st Place – Tie


 “The Other Side”  Jan Kloes

This was an ordinary yellow sunflower to begin with.  I placed a radial filter on the green part, then inverted it, adding red tones to the petals for some bolder color.  Then used a mask to remove the red tones from the green tips covering the petals.  Sony SLT-A57 f/5.6 at 1/3 sec.

2nd Place – Tie (x2)


 “Cow Lick”  Laurie Scaruffi

2nd Place – Tie (x2)


 “Watercolor Magnolia’s”  Marcia Fasy

3rd Place – Tie (x3)


 “Open Up”  Linda Williams

3rd Place – Tie (x3)


 “Here’s Looking at You”  Vince Williams

3rd Place – Tie (x3)


 “It’s Getting Hot In Here”  Jim Ingraham

Honorable Mention – Tie (x3)


 “Stickerball” Jan Kloes

Honorable Mention – Tie (x3)


 “Just The Two of Us”  Linda Williams

Honorable Mention – Tie (x3)


 “Watch Out”  Russ Williamson

Electronic Image Competition – Open 

1st Place


 “A Pair of Watchful Eyes”  Jim Ingraham

Taken at All Sports Park (Reinhart Park) in the late afternoon sunlight early February 2017. Not a lot of Photoshop, just basic corrections and adjustments. Shot with a Nikon D810 and a 200-500 mm F5.6 lens. ISO 800, F5.6 @ 1/320th second handheld with the vibration reduction on at 500 mm

2nd Place – Tie (x3)


 “Powerful Gaze” Greg Smith

2nd Place – Tie (x3)


 “Eye to Eye”  Jim Heern

2nd Place – Tie (x3)


 “Keeping His Eye on the Ball”  Joel Takarsh

3rd Place – Tie (x6)


 “Squall Line”  Dale George

3rd Place – Tie (x6)


 “Rockin Out”  Dave Church

3rd Place – Tie (x6)


 “Flowering Maple”  Marcia Fasy

3rd Place – Tie (x6)


 “The Little Pooper”  Rose Christner

3rd Place – Tie (x6)


 “Harbor View”  Suzi Pratt

3rd Place – Tie (x6)


 “Early Bird”  Greg Smith

Print Competition – Assigned (Texture) 

1st Place


 “Onion Skin”  Jim Ingraham

 There is literally nothing left of this onion except the dried out skin. Took many months of sitting on the window sill for it to get this way. Taken with a Nikon D810 and 70-200 lens at 200 mm. ISO 250 at F22. Lighting is two softboxes. One on the right side of the image and the other behind and to the left of the image. Used a white card for a little bit of fill on the front left of the onion.

2nd Place


 “Hairy Texture”  Dave Church

3rd Place – Tie (x4)


 “Painted Hills ”  Dave Bell

3rd Place – Tie (x4)


 “Curly Bark ”  Judy Cox

3rd Place – Tie (x4)


 “After Harvest ”  Greg Smith

3rd Place – Tie (x4)

Burma Dream 2

 “Burma Dream ”  Nomeca Hartwell

Print Competition – Open category

1st Place 

Of Bygone Days

 “Of Bygone Days”  Dale George

Photo was taken in Astoria at the Flavel House Museum. The house built by Mr. George Flavel, a river boat pilot who earned his fortune mainly by piloting ships up and down the treacherous Columbia river. He then expanded his fortune by getting into real estate in later years.

     Built between 1884-1886 in the Queen Anne style, the home boasts 2 ½ stories including an upstairs cupola where George could watch the ships going up river. The home has 6 fire places, tons of hand carved woodwork, 14 foot ceilings downstairs and 12 foot ceilings upstairs. The home managed to survive a fire that destroyed much of town in 1922 and later survived 2 attempts to have it torn down to make way for a parking lot. Every room on the 2 floors are open to the public and decorated with antique furnishing, dishes and trappings of a fine Victorian mansion.

     The house made a great impression on me and I really wanted to bring home images that when viewed, would give the atmosphere of this fine old home. So naturally, I used my tried and true method of taking multiple exposures, on a tri-pod which to my surprise was allowed. I used my new (then) Canon 5DMK3, Canon 16-35mm lens combination. Lens was fully open to 16mm, ISO setting 125, aperture set at f/8. 3 shots were taken at .3,  .125,  .8 seconds and combined and tonemapped in Photomatix. Next was some clean up work in Lightroom and finally a little more detail extraction in NIK Efex Pro.

     The 3 main entertaining rooms downstairs were open, but roped off at the doorways to keep visitors from damaging the rugs and furnishings, but this in no way hampered the view or accessibility for my camera. If you go, be sure to allow a good 1.5 hours to fully appreciate and photograph this gem.

2nd Place

Selma Storm

 “Selma Storm ”  Nomeca Hartwell

3rd Place

Pretty Boy

 “Pretty Boy ”  Jim Heern

March 2017 Winners

March 2017 Winners

Judges: Dave Low, Jan Kloes and Matt Connell (Guest Judge)

Print Image Competition – Open 

1st Place – Image of the Month

JimHeern_Cave_The Sentinel

 “The Sentinel”  Jim Heern

The “Sentinel” image was captured at the West Coast Wildlife Safari near Bandon, Oregon. The African leopard has faced major threats of habitat invasion and intense persecution in retaliation for loss of livestock (real or perceived). It was taken after feeding on an autumn morning with overcast skies.   His majestic nature captured my attention.  ISO 80, F/5.6, Shutter Speed 1/60 sec., at 440mm with 200-500 mm lens. 


2nd Place – Tie (x2)

Poseidons Lair CCC

“Poseidon’s Lair”  Dale George

2nd Place – Tie (x2)
Wizard Island Starry Planets2
“Wizard Island & Starry Planets”  Nomeca Hartwell

3rd Place
Watching You, Watching Me CCC-001
“Watching you, watching me”  Dale George

Print Image Competition – Assigned Category (City at Night) 

1st Place


“Making Plywood”  Jim Ingraham

The Tim Ply Corporation off SE ‘M’ St. in Grants Pass. Tripod mounted, one exposure for 30 seconds. I used a flashlight to paint in some light on the plywood. ISO 400 and F16. Then the security guards chased me away.

2nd Place


“Capital Waterfront”  Greg Smith

Electronic Image Competition – Open 

1st Place – Tie (x3)


 “Ghost Spider”  Dale George

I was going stir crazy at home recovering from surgery and needed to get outside and move a little. Decided that it was time to pull out my new Canon 100mm macro lens and see what I could do with it. Summer flowers were in full bloom and I noticed this tiny spider lurking on the pedals of a small flower on our back deck. I pulled up a comfortable chair, set up the camera and tripod and moved in as close as I could get. He was twitchy and hid behind the backside for a bit, but returned to his original spot. I used the zoom function on the live view screen so I could get razor sharp focus on the eyes…held my breath and tripped the shutter. Upon processing I was instantly impressed at the quality of this macro lens and its sharpness. And now for some details. Shot with my Canon 5D Mk3, Canon 100mm f/2.8 lens.   Camera settings..3200 ISO f/5.6 at  1/250th sec. No flash, just natural light under a shade tree.

1st Place – Tie (x3)


 “Primary Colors”  Jan Kloes

Using three different colors of Jello, each glass was filled with approximately the same amount and tilted to the side.  After the Jello solidified, the glasses were straightened up on their bases.  To make the little colored spots on the table, I used a speedlight with a honeycomb grid at about a 45 degree angle.  The light bouncing through the Jello also made the little “tails” on the sides opposite the Jello.

1st Place – Tie (x3)


 “Thompson Creek Kitty”  Nomeca Hartwell

Thompson Creek Kitty was fortuitous.  I was trying out a new vantage point when I noticed my cat posing nicely for me in  just the right spot. I couldn’t resist.  Making a decent image out of it was another matter since he was in the shady part of the picture but post processing got me there eventually. I even touched up his eyes  and little pink nose. ISO 1000 at 1/250 sec, f5.6 with my 24mm  f.1.8 lens on a Nikon 750D.

2nd Place – Tie (x3)


“Lucid Swan Dream”  Bobette Heern

2nd Place – Tie (x3)


“Fog and Snow” Jim Ingraham

2nd Place – Tie (x3)


“Sunflower”  Jan Kloes

3rd Place – Tie (x2)


“Glass Rack”  Dave Church

3rd Place – Tie (x2)


“Stanley Lake Splendor”  Pam Arbogast

Electronic Image Competition – Assigned Category (City at Night) 

1st Place


 “City Skyline and Union Station”  Laurie Scaruffi

F6 200 ISO 1/6 sec.  This is Union Station with Kansas City in background taken from the landing of the World War 1 Memorial. It was 10pm during the summer and 90 degrees out with 90% humidity. Just want you to know I suffered for this picture. ha ha  The middle window of Union Station had a banner in it for the “Body Works Exhibit” It is open to the public inside and makes for great pictures, however, if you are a professional there is a fee to take pics inside.  It does not handle trains anymore but has restaurants and science center etc inside.

2nd Place


 “Portland”  Jim Heern

3rd Place

 “Straight to Taprock”  Jim Ingraham

Honorable Mention – Tie (x6)
 “Ashland Night”  Dave Bell

Honorable Mention – Tie (x6)
 “City Across the Bay”  Debbie Jallit

Honorable Mention – Tie (x6)
 “Olympia”  Greg Smith

Honorable Mention – Tie (x6)
 “Honolulu Skyline”  Judy Cox

Honorable Mention – Tie (x6)
 “Evening Stroll”  Debbie Jallit

Honorable Mention – Tie (x6)
 “Kaw Point Statue”  Laurie Scaruffi